Hi guys, firstly, I know some people use this for not so legal reasons, but I'm acctually after this to play a game called "gunboy tournament" online. It's based of an indie GoTY winner called Gumboy Cray Adventures, but an online game instead. Anyway they haven't implimented online play yet so the demo version they have only works over LAN, I'm wondering if I could use software to emulate a lan over the net.
I've already tried Hamachi, but it didn't work for some reason :( I searched for online games but couldn't find any. Does anyone know of any other software that might work?
If your interested: http://www.gumboytournament.com/
Thats the address for the game, it is rather good so give it a shot if you like Indie (read original) games :)
EDIT: Or maybe if someone knows why hamachi might not work? Does it often fail at playing games online? I thought it would just emulate a LAN exactly over the net, hence should work for everything but maybe not?
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