^^^^^Ignore this guy...
ALL VERSIONS of Vista come with direct x 10, and ALL VERSIONS are identical from a core stand point. ie all are built the same to a set point and then extra features are built in if you require them.
For example, vista home basic in just vista (including dx10) and no fancy features.
Vista home premium is just vista basic with the new aero glass thingy and a media centre, plus other boring stuff.
The others are just home premium with other stuff thrown in...It all really depends on what you need.
i myself only wanted vista and dx10, much like yourself for gaming, so i got the basic version. I am not interested in the media centre abaility, and the aero glass is just a gimmick, one which i will never use,
One last word, if you do purchase basic and then decide to upgrade to premium in the future, there is an upgrade option built into the basic version which allows you to purchase the upgrade from microsoft and update over the net. (all its really doing is downloading the extra features that i mentioned). Do not let anyone tell you otherwise cos the majority of people out there are misinformed and think that all versions are different.
Especially the guy that said some games are not compatible with the basic version...LOL :) how misinformed can you get. If i was him i would stop giving advice on internet forums.
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