So I've decided to build my own gaming PC after getting a pre-made one two times in a row. I'm pretty much clueless in tech lingo and advancements nowadays (DOS was my prime, woo-hoo!), and I'm looking for a good "Build a gaming PC" book. I do not know what slots do what, what kind of motherboard would have the most potential for long use upgradablilty, what's the best RAM, dual processors vs quad.....etc etc etc. I want to be in the know before I plug in that first processor. Also, if I do choose to buy pre-made again, what are the best companies (besides Alienware) to do so?
My budget is 2-3K (for all PC components, not moniter). Can anyone recommend me a book, sites that sell hardware at cheap prices, or just point me in a general direction to get me started? Thanks for any responses.
Damn you Crysis... :evil:
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