Which should I get for Mac?
I have a MacBook Pro (13 inch, 2.26 ghz, nvidia 9400M, 2 gigs of ram)
I heard BF2142 has some performance issues but apparently not for the new macs?
I also heard dragon age was good...but could I run it well?
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Which should I get for Mac?
I have a MacBook Pro (13 inch, 2.26 ghz, nvidia 9400M, 2 gigs of ram)
I heard BF2142 has some performance issues but apparently not for the new macs?
I also heard dragon age was good...but could I run it well?
those 2 games are 2 different genre,
I personally loved 2142 and spent 1700 hours, but back in 2007, the game had lots of servers. nowdays, I only see 3-5 servers that are less than 100 pings.
Warcraft 3, on the other hand, I didnt enjoy as much as starcraft. but again, if you perfer stragtegy, it is a good start.
I also heard dragon age was good...but could I run it well?
I'm dubious about that, strictly on the basis of your video card which certainly would not at the very very least be able to handle any high settings.
lol woah. Both are good games. Server count for BF 2142 should be in the 150 to 200 count. I dont know how the pings will be but thats up to your connection strength. As for Warcraft 3 thats up to how badly you want to get violated from behind. Its not very noob friendly anymore. The whole time I only met like one person that was willing to give me pointers and I could never play a game with a friend cuz the system wouldnt allow it for some reason. Its a good game but its also tough to get good at online. If you want it for the single player its really good and its fun to play. I liked that part. Id look for something else RTS if you want to get online and get good. Anyway your call. GamesterpheonixIf you want to play against friends in a private game you need to make create it by custom. If you want to play with them against other people then join a channel and invite him to a team ;)
OP: Get WC3 even if you dont enjoy the online part or even killing other people the lore in the single player will have you going for atleast 30+ hours :)
If you are fan of rts games definetly get Warcraft 3 along with Frozen Throne.
Gameplay wise the single player campaign is boring since it is used as a tutorial, but the story is really good.
Playing it online is where it is at whether you prefer playing ladder games (versus other people) or playing custom games (playing non rank versus or playing games made by wc3 community). The ladder matches aren't noob friendly, but once you get the hang of it, it is quite fun.
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