i see this game is a WW2 too,and i like WW2 games.but is it worth it?cause it just have 3.5 star on gamespy,and 7.5 score on gamespot,so what do you guys think?(is it worth?)
It's not really a WW2 game, but an alternate history fantasy type game. Or think it is, as I don't recall the Germans stomping the western front in robotic walkers. And while I haven't tried it myself, indications are that it's an action RTS in the same style as C&C.
Oh Bro, its a good game and if u are a type of gamer that like game that had more fun than realism, this is your game ! If u want more action but with more unit, this is your game Pro : - Lot of action & action - Lots of unit - Many prototype weapon & units from WW2 - The ONLY WW2 RTS GAME THAT GERMAN had almost all of their prototype weapon like Maus, rocket trooper, Me 262, Gotha Bomber, Waserfall, and more - The only WW2 RTS game that allow player to build a lot of planes & bomber ! so there a lot of dogfight & massive air bombardment - There are heroes with skills & ability for each nation - Good stories (alternate stories of WW2) - New features like player can control & aiming turret directly (using mouse to point & shoot) - There are range for super weapon missile so need more tactical deployment strategy - Good detail Cons : - Very unrealism WW2 RTS game (any heard that USSR had a freezer tank ?) in terms of unit & gameplay (tanks move like car, damage of unit) - Unit is too easy to destroy - Graphic & sound is decent - Lack of good pathfinding for land unit (air unit pathfinding is good) but still playable & approvable compared to C&C 3 TW !!! - No sea units - Lack of online players (compared to CoH) Overall : good game, if u want to play a truly different WW2 RTS game than any others, try this !
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