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If you haven't played either and are looking to invest time/money in one or the other then go with WoW purely for the fact that the game has really matured into an experience that caters for every kind of MMO player.
Regardless of how Warhammer turns out when its released, it wont offer the same *quality* experience that you would get from WoW which has had almost 4 years of content/patches bug fixes etc etc.
If you haven't played either and are looking to invest time/money in one or the other then go with WoW purely for the fact that the game has really matured into an experience that caters for every kind of MMO player.
Regardless of how Warhammer turns out when its released, it wont offer the same *quality* experience that you would get from WoW which has had almost 4 years of content/patches bug fixes etc etc.
WoW has devolved into a game of free epics that are obtained from things that are in NO way fun and entertaining. Those things being :
- Do arena over and over till your eyeballs fall out.
- Do battlegrounds over and over till your eyeballs fall out
- Grind gear good enough to get heroic groups and then grind them over and over till your eyeballs fall out.
- Grind rep over and over till your eyeballs fall out ( although this isnt really viable since rep gear is outdated now ).
My point being, is if you play wow regardless of what you choose to do in the game you will be doing it over and over and over and over and over and over and over.
Not to mention that for the most part the game has made a major shift to pvp. For every one LF pve instance message you see in chat there are 10 or 20 LF arena team messages or LF premade BG messages. Forget finding groups for group quests and looking for non heroic instance groups is equally futile.
If you havent yet played WoW there is absolutely no reason to start now and i strongly urge against it.
[QUOTE="1nverted"]If you haven't played either and are looking to invest time/money in one or the other then go with WoW purely for the fact that the game has really matured into an experience that caters for every kind of MMO player.
Regardless of how Warhammer turns out when its released, it wont offer the same *quality* experience that you would get from WoW which has had almost 4 years of content/patches bug fixes etc etc.
WoW has devolved into a game of free epics that are obtained from things that are in NO way fun and entertaining. Those things being :
- Do arena over and over till your eyeballs fall out.
- Do battlegrounds over and over till your eyeballs fall out
- Grind gear good enough to get heroic groups and then grind them over and over till your eyeballs fall out.
- Grind rep over and over till your eyeballs fall out ( although this isnt really viable since rep gear is outdated now ).
My point being, is if you play wow regardless of what you choose to do in the game you will be doing it over and over and over and over and over and over and over.
Not to mention that for the most part the game has made a major shift to pvp. For every one LF pve instance message you see in chat there are 10 or 20 LF arena team messages or LF premade BG messages. Forget finding groups for group quests and looking for non heroic instance groups is equally futile.
If you havent yet played WoW there is absolutely no reason to start now and i strongly urge against it.
Perhaps, however those points are completely irrelevant to someone who has never played WoW before and such would have no concept of what "grinding for epics" or "grinding arena's" is.
The fact of the matter is that WoW has an incredibly fleshed out level 1-70 experience (The best in any MMO) and is the logical choice for anyone looking to start playing an MMO.
I've been playing WoW for a long time, to me the game is just dried up, and Arena ruined the game for me, it was too small scale and too much based on certain specs and teams to win. I miss the game when it was level 60 cap, but now I can't stand playing for a few straight hours. I'll be playing WAR on preview weekend for beta, and during the duration of the open beta.
I've been tracking WAR for a little over a year now, so I'm personally looking forward to finally being able to play it. I think it's safe to assume from what I've read on BetaLeaks and other sites that WAR will be the better game in terms of balance and PvP, not to mention it's an RvR game, which means it was developed with large scale PvP in mind. Also WAR already has 26 battlegrounds/scenarios ready, while to this day WoW only has 4 lame ones.
I say if you love the PvP in WoW, but want more, then WAR is the game for you. If you're a PvE whore and don't wanna lose all your equipment and e-penis, then stick with WoW.
Warhammer will most likely get lots of buzz within the first 2-3 months just like every other MMO and then fall flat on it's face because it tried too hard to be a WoW killer rather than just being a unique game. Although still an imbalanced grindfest of a game, WoW wins again...TheBigBadGRIM
Wait and see, I think you'll be proven wrong. Mythic gave Blizzard tips on creating their MMO, so now we'll see what the Master can do :P
cant wait till Warhammer
it was the first
I like Warcraft the rts games alot even though its pretty much a copy of Warhammer
same with Starcraft and Warhammer40k
WOW was fun in the beginning but got old with all the people dicking you over for the good gear or trying to tell you how to play their way.
I think that Warhammer Online will be really great and a great alternative to WOW for those who dont wanna play it
[QUOTE="1nverted"]If you haven't played either and are looking to invest time/money in one or the other then go with WoW purely for the fact that the game has really matured into an experience that caters for every kind of MMO player.
Regardless of how Warhammer turns out when its released, it wont offer the same *quality* experience that you would get from WoW which has had almost 4 years of content/patches bug fixes etc etc.
WoW has devolved into a game of free epics that are obtained from things that are in NO way fun and entertaining. Those things being :
- Do arena over and over till your eyeballs fall out.
- Do battlegrounds over and over till your eyeballs fall out
- Grind gear good enough to get heroic groups and then grind them over and over till your eyeballs fall out.
- Grind rep over and over till your eyeballs fall out ( although this isnt really viable since rep gear is outdated now ).
My point being, is if you play wow regardless of what you choose to do in the game you will be doing it over and over and over and over and over and over and over.
Not to mention that for the most part the game has made a major shift to pvp. For every one LF pve instance message you see in chat there are 10 or 20 LF arena team messages or LF premade BG messages. Forget finding groups for group quests and looking for non heroic instance groups is equally futile.
If you havent yet played WoW there is absolutely no reason to start now and i strongly urge against it.
What the hell, enough with this... in WARHAMMER all you will be doing is grinding similar things that are phrased or done differently.
You will mindlessly grind players for months, you will mindleslly kill faction NPCs for months, you will push back the enemy for months and then restart.
Every single mmo is a reptitive grind..... why use this against WoW all the freaking time?
I say if you love the PvP in WoW, but want more, then WAR is the game for you. If you're a PvE whore and don't wanna lose all your equipment and e-penis, then stick with WoW.
:lol: making out its bad to like PvE and good to like PvP? .... seriously....
WAr Beta leaks? Balance? 20 careers ... yea good like pretending they have balanced that :roll:.... and War is heavy gear based aswell despite popular belief.... you will be grinding for months for silly little aesthetic things.
I've been playing WoW for a long time, to me the game is just dried up, and Arena ruined the game for me, it was too small scale and too much based on certain specs and teams to win. I miss the game when it was level 60 cap, but now I can't stand playing for a few straight hours. I'll be playing WAR on preview weekend for beta, and during the duration of the open beta.
I've been tracking WAR for a little over a year now, so I'm personally looking forward to finally being able to play it. I think it's safe to assume from what I've read on BetaLeaks and other sites that WAR will be the better game in terms of balance and PvP, not to mention it's an RvR game, which means it was developed with large scale PvP in mind. Also WAR already has 26 battlegrounds/scenarios ready, while to this day WoW only has 4 lame ones.
I say if you love the PvP in WoW, but want more, then WAR is the game for you. If you're a PvE whore and don't wanna lose all your equipment and e-penis, then stick with WoW.
although im a pve whore with my rogue having the offhand warglaive of azzinoth, i gotta agree with you. people say that other mmos have no endgame content and wow has a ton. but to access this content you need to spend a year, playing 6 hours a day raiding. pvp in wow is broken. warsong gulch, arathi basin, and alterac are epic fail. eye of the storm is OK, but its not good. wow did dry up. i reember, doing the molten core for like 2-3 hours, and then after finally getting to ragnaros, we would all hope that an epic dropped from him. after the expansion came out, all the epics were useless because a crap green item from hellfire was better than all my t1-t2 gear that i spent so much time farming. im really looking forward to RvR with the epic sieges and capturing cities. if warhammer can deliver on this, i think it will turn out pretty good.
[QUOTE="Dethology"]I say if you love the PvP in WoW, but want more, then WAR is the game for you. If you're a PvE whore and don't wanna lose all your equipment and e-penis, then stick with WoW.
:lol: making out its bad to like PvE and good to like PvP? .... seriously....
WAr Beta leaks? Balance? 20 careers ... yea good like pretending they have balanced that :roll:.... and War is heavy gear based aswell despite popular belief.... you will be grinding for months for silly little aesthetic things.
WAR is not a FFA pvp game, it's RvR, so they just need to balance the two realms. They did it quite well in DaoC, and they had three to deal with, all really unique too.
It's kind of silly saying WAR is going to be better because WoW is a big grind. Pretty much, i have yet to play any REAL MMO that has NO grind. Of course, different MMO's have it to lesser or greater degrees but still. If you think WAR won't have any grind than you are fooling yourself.
However, having played WoW since launch, I'd like to see what WAR has to offer. I'm just hoping it's a lot better at launch than AoC was. What an utter disappointment of a game.
[QUOTE="PC360Wii"][QUOTE="Dethology"]I say if you love the PvP in WoW, but want more, then WAR is the game for you. If you're a PvE whore and don't wanna lose all your equipment and e-penis, then stick with WoW.
:lol: making out its bad to like PvE and good to like PvP? .... seriously....
WAr Beta leaks? Balance? 20 careers ... yea good like pretending they have balanced that :roll:.... and War is heavy gear based aswell despite popular belief.... you will be grinding for months for silly little aesthetic things.
WAR is not a FFA pvp game, it's RvR, so they just need to balance the two realms. They did it quite well in DaoC, and they had three to deal with, all really unique too.
Yep, Im aware of that, but its still 10 careers vs 10 careers ... that is a nightmare to balance.
Then you have the "Good Guy" Syndrome that plagued WoW on release .... more people will want to be the Warrior-Priest, the Legolasses, the Va Helsings ....
And the Realm PvP wont be population balanced..., sure they said they will make up for this with more NPCs ... but oh ... I thought this was aPVP game?
But dont mind me, im just a skeptic thats already P***ed off with the game, because they in thier FaQ promised to get EU and US release/beta's at the same time .... so I preordered thinking EU would start monday like US did ... but oh wait, we got to wait til 7th Septmber, 10 day open beta ... thanks Mythic for choosing a cruddy partner and screwing EU over already :roll:...
As if I didnt have enough to critisize about.
[QUOTE="MTBare"][QUOTE="PC360Wii"][QUOTE="Dethology"]I say if you love the PvP in WoW, but want more, then WAR is the game for you. If you're a PvE whore and don't wanna lose all your equipment and e-penis, then stick with WoW.
:lol: making out its bad to like PvE and good to like PvP? .... seriously....
WAr Beta leaks? Balance? 20 careers ... yea good like pretending they have balanced that :roll:.... and War is heavy gear based aswell despite popular belief.... you will be grinding for months for silly little aesthetic things.
WAR is not a FFA pvp game, it's RvR, so they just need to balance the two realms. They did it quite well in DaoC, and they had three to deal with, all really unique too.
Yep, Im aware of that, but its still 10 careers vs 10 careers ... that is a nightmare to balance.
Then you have the "Good Guy" Syndrome that plagued WoW on release .... more people will want to be the Warrior-Priest, the Legolasses, the Va Helsings ....
And the Realm PvP wont be population balanced..., sure they said they will make up for this with more NPCs ... but oh ... I thought this was aPVP game?
But dont mind me, im just a skeptic thats already P***ed off with the game, because they in thier FaQ promised to get EU and US release/beta's at the same time .... so I preordered thinking EU would start monday like US did ... but oh wait, we got to wait til 7th Septmber, 10 day open beta ... thanks Mythic for choosing a cruddy partner and screwing EU over already :roll:...
As if I didnt have enough to critisize about.
Huh? We all have to wait til Sept. 7th, not just Euros...
Preview Weekend is this weekend though - but yeah, Open Beta For EVERYONE starts Sept. 7.
Go with Warhammer - not just cause I am etc. but because its always fun to start a MMO when everyone else is, alot more interest/population all over the place.
I for one can't wait to try this weekend (I got in), and the open beta. Both will be a big deal because if the game seems absolutely shoddy I will cancel Preorder :P
[QUOTE="PC360Wii"][QUOTE="MTBare"][QUOTE="PC360Wii"][QUOTE="Dethology"]I say if you love the PvP in WoW, but want more, then WAR is the game for you. If you're a PvE whore and don't wanna lose all your equipment and e-penis, then stick with WoW.
:lol: making out its bad to like PvE and good to like PvP? .... seriously....
WAr Beta leaks? Balance? 20 careers ... yea good like pretending they have balanced that :roll:.... and War is heavy gear based aswell despite popular belief.... you will be grinding for months for silly little aesthetic things.
WAR is not a FFA pvp game, it's RvR, so they just need to balance the two realms. They did it quite well in DaoC, and they had three to deal with, all really unique too.
Yep, Im aware of that, but its still 10 careers vs 10 careers ... that is a nightmare to balance.
Then you have the "Good Guy" Syndrome that plagued WoW on release .... more people will want to be the Warrior-Priest, the Legolasses, the Va Helsings ....
And the Realm PvP wont be population balanced..., sure they said they will make up for this with more NPCs ... but oh ... I thought this was aPVP game?
But dont mind me, im just a skeptic thats already P***ed off with the game, because they in thier FaQ promised to get EU and US release/beta's at the same time .... so I preordered thinking EU would start monday like US did ... but oh wait, we got to wait til 7th Septmber, 10 day open beta ... thanks Mythic for choosing a cruddy partner and screwing EU over already :roll:...
As if I didnt have enough to critisize about.
Huh? We all have to wait til Sept. 7th, not just Euros...
Preview Weekend is this weekend though - but yeah, Open Beta For EVERYONE starts Sept. 7.
Go with Warhammer - not just cause I am etc. but because its always fun to start a MMO when everyone else is, alot more interest/population all over the place.
I for one can't wait to try this weekend (I got in), and the open beta. Both will be a big deal because if the game seems absolutely shoddy I will cancel Preorder :P
I was under the impression that EU doesnt get the weekend?
Now I'm confused.....if you preordered, then you get the beta before Sept 7?gluzyg
Collectors Edition preorders GET the preview weekend, first 50k Regular PO's get preview weekend - thats it.
OPEN BETA starts Sept 7 for EVERYONE who preordered.
Not sure about EU preview weekend :(
Yep, Im aware of that, but its still 10 careers vs 10 careers ... that is a nightmare to balance.
Then you have the "Good Guy" Syndrome that plagued WoW on release .... more people will want to be the Warrior-Priest, the Legolasses, the Va Helsings ....
And the Realm PvP wont be population balanced..., sure they said they will make up for this with more NPCs ... but oh ... I thought this was aPVP game?
Mythic has dealt with those problems before in Dark Age of Camelot. DaoC has 15 unique classes for three different realms, and worked out very well. I'm sure population balancing will come in the form of bonuses as they did in DaoC.
Warhammer will most likely get lots of buzz within the first 2-3 months just like every other MMO and then fall flat on it's face because it tried too hard to be a WoW killer rather than just being a unique game. Although still an imbalanced grindfest of a game, WoW wins again...TheBigBadGRIM
Ok I am about to give you the most honest opinion to help distinguish which is better, WOW or WAR, however if you are going to post something, please know what the $%^& you are talking about, not just make a post that gives no prove or credibility. I have beta to WAR and I have been one of the biggest and most loyal fans to WOW for 4 years. To be honest I may have a bit of favoritism towards WOW, but I will really try to stay fair.
Recently, mythic has just lifted the NDA(basically beta testers can now talk about in game experiences in WAR), however, there are still some restrictions that are in effect, so I will do my best to tippy-toe around certain information about War in order to ensure I don't lose my beta account. That statement, should tell you something. I am deeply concerned about losing my beta account because the game is actually a full success in almost every way. I dont know if anyone knows what I am talking about but from the minute I started playing WOW I got the sense that this game is well put together, the surrondings, the classes, everything in WOW and that certain feeling you get when a game is satisfing and you say to yourself "I can't what to see what is next" I felt that the first hour I played WOW and finally after spending money on junk MMo,s like AOE, Vanguard, and LOTR I finally had that feeling again with War. When you login immediately, you feel that you are a part of something big, warriors storming beaches with boats and player usable canons firing to keep the enemy back. The Tome of Knowledge which is the back bone of WAR, I would have to say is just brillant, look it up somewhere else because it is too in depth to explain well and I wouldn't be doing it its justice.Public quest you will notice players actually working together without having to look for a group for 9 hours or bothering a guildie is just plan smart business. It gets players to wage war in quest base style and have it actually mean something other than XP and also pay out big rewards if you contribute,just plan smart gaming right there, Now, I was worried that the PVE would not be so good because mythic really stressed its genre of RVR. So when I choose 1 of the 3 options you have to level in war, I choose the PVE content. I was impressed again. At this point, I started thinking well, my beloved WOW may have to go on hold. It was just Too much for me to not dedicate myself at least a little while to this game. I mean the content in this game is just incrediblely robust and its everywhere. You are in content every second of this game. Very cool to me!!!!. Now this is all within 10 levels which makes your head spin in a good way. OK, so what is left PVP or RVR and let me tell you this was the best part of the game. The feeling of all out WAR has been achieved better in this game then some movies I see. I really felt I was waging war on the enemy. Now throw some sweet cites and I mean really seet cites and great graphics, I would have to say this is a recipe for success. Now there are some things that need work like some class balancing and Making sure that RVR is concentrated to achieve maximum all out war, but even that I think it was do to low amount of beta testers. I would pay to play the game right now thats how polished I feel it is already. I was A WOW beta tester too and there is no comparison to level WAR is at now to the level WOW was at this point. And the class balance is not bad at all, Not to mention that all the class are very fun to play, but nothing new or special to that aspect of the game. Same goes for the interace all has been done before, its almost identical too WOW, but that is ok for me. I love the interface of WOW and since it works well in WOW i didn't mind it in WAR. however, I am really trying to poke at something that I didn't like. Its kind of upsetting and I have been dealing with fact that I hope my friends do leave WOW because I know I am switching, then again I know they will. I know I haven't given you too many details but its what I feel save with, concidering the limited NDA restrictions. I love WOW and I think that it is an incredible game, BUT I think WAR just won me over for now. I have about 3 full days of game play and when closed beta shut down to prepare for preview weekend, I wanted to pull my hair out because I just wanted to get on and play.OMG, that hasn't happened in a while.
I am not going to say its a WOW killer simply because there is just so many of use that love the game and have a lot of time and effort invested into it. However, what i will say is that WAR has my vote and it was a vote that has protected and cherished WOW for a long time. I really thought that would not happen at least not this generation. My true conclusion to this entire post is that if it pulled me from the satisfing grips of WOW, then yes I do think it is going to be a great game is it better than WOW, I dont know, but its DEFINATELY worth a try. I am excited that finally, finally, finally someone brought back that old and almost forgotten feeling of joy that comes from playing an MMO.
[QUOTE="TheBigBadGRIM"]Warhammer will most likely get lots of buzz within the first 2-3 months just like every other MMO and then fall flat on it's face because it tried too hard to be a WoW killer rather than just being a unique game. Although still an imbalanced grindfest of a game, WoW wins again...loochie1234
Ok I am about to give you the most honest opinion to help distinguish which is better, WOW or WAR, however if you are going to post something, please know what the $%^& you are talking about, not just make a post that gives no prove or credibility. I have beta to WAR and I have been one of the biggest and most loyal fans to WOW for 4 years. To be honest I may have a bit of favoritism towards WOW, but I will really try to stay fair.
Recently, mythic has just lifted the NDA(basically beta testers can now talk about in game experiences in WAR), however, there are still some restrictions that are in effect, so I will do my best to tippy-toe around certain information about War in order to ensure I don't lose my beta account. That statement, should tell you something. I am deeply concerned about losing my beta account because the game is actually a full success in almost every way. I dont know if anyone knows what I am talking about but from the minute I started playing WOW I got the sense that this game is well put together, the surrondings, the classes, everything in WOW and that certain feeling you get when a game is satisfing and you say to yourself "I can't what to see what is next" I felt that the first hour I played WOW and finally after spending money on junk MMo,s like AOE, Vanguard, and LOTR I finally had that feeling again with War. When you login immediately, you feel that you are a part of something big, warriors storming beaches with boats and player usable canons firing to keep the enemy back. The Tome of Knowledge which is the back bone of WAR, I would have to say is just brillant, look it up somewhere else because it is too in depth to explain well and I wouldn't be doing it its justice.Public quest you will notice players actually working together without having to look for a group for 9 hours or bothering a guildie is just plan smart business. It gets players to wage war in quest base style and have it actually mean something other than XP and also pay out big rewards if you contribute,just plan smart gaming right there, Now, I was worried that the PVE would not be so good because mythic really stressed its genre of RVR. So when I choose 1 of the 3 options you have to level in war, I choose the PVE content. I was impressed again. At this point, I started thinking well, my beloved WOW may have to go on hold. It was just Too much for me to not dedicate myself at least a little while to this game. I mean the content in this game is just incrediblely robust and its everywhere. You are in content every second of this game. Very cool to me!!!!. Now this is all within 10 levels which makes your head spin in a good way. OK, so what is left PVP or RVR and let me tell you this was the best part of the game. The feeling of all out WAR has been achieved better in this game then some movies I see. I really felt I was waging war on the enemy. Now throw some sweet cites and I mean really seet cites and great graphics, I would have to say this is a recipe for success. Now there are some things that need work like some class balancing and Making sure that RVR is concentrated to achieve maximum all out war, but even that I think it was do to low amount of beta testers. I would pay to play the game right now thats how polished I feel it is already. I was A WOW beta tester too and there is no comparison to level WAR is at now to the level WOW was at this point. And the class balance is not bad at all, Not to mention that all the class are very fun to play, but nothing new or special to that aspect of the game. Same goes for the interace all has been done before, its almost identical too WOW, but that is ok for me. I love the interface of WOW and since it works well in WOW i didn't mind it in WAR. however, I am really trying to poke at something that I didn't like. Its kind of upsetting and I have been dealing with fact that I hope my friends do leave WOW because I know I am switching, then again I know they will. I know I haven't given you too many details but its what I feel save with, concidering the limited NDA restrictions. I love WOW and I think that it is an incredible game, BUT I think WAR just won me over for now. I have about 3 full days of game play and when closed beta shut down to prepare for preview weekend, I wanted to pull my hair out because I just wanted to get on and play.OMG, that hasn't happened in a while.
I am not going to say its a WOW killer simply because there is just so many of use that love the game and have a lot of time and effort invested into it. However, what i will say is that WAR has my vote and it was a vote that has protected and cherished WOW for a long time. I really thought that would not happen at least not this generation. My true conclusion to this entire post is that if it pulled me from the satisfing grips of WOW, then yes I do think it is going to be a great game is it better than WOW, I dont know, but its DEFINATELY worth a try. I am excited that finally, finally, finally someone brought back that old and almost forgotten feeling of joy that comes from playing an MMO.
the wall of text makes an interesting point, but then i can proudly claim i'm biased as i was going to get this game about 4 years ago when i read about it white dwarf, then it got cancelled and i was sad, then up it pops in WD again and joy returns. i've been following it since.
loochie had some rlly good points. I basically agree with everything, and even tho I'm not quite an MMO person, I think that I'll be checking this one out.
I just like how they've rlly done justice to the tabletop game by making this a War game, not just a grindfest. Warhammer is about rich background and large battles, and I think that they rlly nailed that with WAR.
Let's wait until WAR is out, shall we?RK-Mara
this man has a plan! i shall listen and adhere to it before giving my very biased decision which is actually already decided but still, ^^good plan, what's the point in a comparitive analysis if one half of the comparison is speculation.
Wait till it's out, but I don't see how anything could be worse than WoW at this point.Night_stalker01
Age of Conan is.
[QUOTE="Night_stalker01"]Wait till it's out, but I don't see how anything could be worse than WoW at this point.zomglolcats
Age of Conan is.
lol u just pwnd that guy(no offense to nightstalker, i just find it really funny to make fun of AoC).
if RvR is actually as good as the beta testers say it is and the requirements are the same, i think im going to be getting it.i cant wait to own destruction people in their faces as a warrior priest(pretty much a cooler version of a paladin).
Every MMORPG is a grindfest, some are more enjoyable than the other. It's funny seeing people accusing WoW of being a grindfest this grindfest that. How do you suppose these companies keep their paying customers occupied? Erlkoenig
WOW is a grindfest, because none of the quests that have you grind have a point other than it gives you XP. WAR has quests where you have to get 10 kills of a certain thing, but the backstory to the quest makes it seem like it means something and it's not just bringing teeth back to some dude because he likes necklaces of white teeth.
Or that's what I've come to appreciate about WAR, everything has a purpose in the grand scheme of things. Every quest, task, public quest, RvR scenario, everything.
As far as Class balancing goes. Every class has an opposite that cancels the other out, EVERY SINGLE CLASS. I mean seriously name a class and I'll tell you its opposite. Also, this game is not about loot, it's about skill more than anything. The higher level loot will only be 5% better than everyone else's, so of course you can beat someone with that loot.
WOW is a grindfest, because none of the quests that have you grind have a point other than it gives you XP. WAR has quests where you have to get 10 kills of a certain thing, but the backstory to the quest makes it seem like it means something and it's not just bringing teeth back to some dude because he likes necklaces of white teeth.SimpJee
A lot of quests in WoW are rich in lore and do mean something. You must have not read many of the quest texts to claim that none of it had a point. It does have quite a lot of pointless quests, but I doubt WAR won't have its share of shallow quests, either.
As far as Class balancing goes. Every class has an opposite that cancels the other out, EVERY SINGLE CLASS. I mean seriously name a class and I'll tell you its opposite. Also, this game is not about loot, it's about skill more than anything. The higher level loot will only be 5% better than everyone else's, so of course you can beat someone with that loot. SimpJee
Hah. I have played lots of online class or race-based games and none of them is free of balance complaints. WAR won't be an exception, if its classes are as diverse as I think they are.
As for item vs skill, if WAR is 95% skill like you say, then it will lose a lot of those pve-oriented players, which I might add outnumber the hardcore pvp players. I somehow doubt Mythic will go this route.
Just so you know, before WoW launch, the devs said gear of different level mostly differs in aesthetics. Was it true after people got to max level? AoC was advertised as a PvP-focused game, in the end it incorporated a raiding system just like anyone else. Point is don't be so gullible and believe everything they say.
[QUOTE="SimpJee"]WOW is a grindfest, because none of the quests that have you grind have a point other than it gives you XP. WAR has quests where you have to get 10 kills of a certain thing, but the backstory to the quest makes it seem like it means something and it's not just bringing teeth back to some dude because he likes necklaces of white teeth.Erlkoenig
A lot of quests in WoW are rich in lore and do mean something. You must have not read many of the quest texts to claim that none of it had a point. It does have quite a lot of pointless quests, but I doubt WAR won't have its share of shallow quests, either.
As far as Class balancing goes. Every class has an opposite that cancels the other out, EVERY SINGLE CLASS. I mean seriously name a class and I'll tell you its opposite. Also, this game is not about loot, it's about skill more than anything. The higher level loot will only be 5% better than everyone else's, so of course you can beat someone with that loot. SimpJee
Hah. I have played lots of online class or race-based games and none of them is free of balance complaints. WAR won't be an exception, if its classes are as diverse as I think they are.
As for item vs skill, if WAR is 95% skill like you say, then it will lose a lot of those pve-oriented players, which I might add outnumber the hardcore pvp players. I somehow doubt Mythic will go this route.
Just so you know, before WoW launch, the devs said gear of different level mostly differs in aesthetics. Was it true after people got to max level? AoC was advertised as a PvP-focused game, in the end it incorporated a raiding system just like anyone else. Point is don't be so gullible and believe everything they say.
I haven't found one quest that didn't have a believable backstory in WAR, and I've been playing WAR in beta since April.
It also goes to what I've said about skill, I've played the highest levels in WAR and I stand by my words. Also, PvP is what WAR chose to innovate on including the features around PvP (grouping, experience, loot etc), it's different than anything you've experienced so far. Even DAoC pvp pales in comparison to WAR's so don't try to base any of your arguments on PvP in other games versus PvP in WAR. The only comparison you can make is that players fight other players.
Neither; MMOs suck.bangell99
Mainstream MMOs, I mostly agree.
But smaller MMOs company may be very neat and nice, depending on your tastes and what you are looking for. Avoid clones, and maybe you will just have a blast playing a game with a few thousands players "only". However you may be a lab rat for them, they test new gameplays, new rules, new stuff...and I am a spoiled player so I don't take kindly to all these tests and change of rules...especially nerfs. Devs should really consider that any nerf is a mistake with a player like me...ANY. I guess it take time to understand some basics.
I have been playing WoW since release. I'll admit BC was kind of screwy in a number of ways, but it still added lots of experience to the game. I do not understand the argument against grinding and what not. This is an inherent factor to almost all MMOs. WAR will not be any better and this RvR is bull s***. Does anyone remember when PvP honor first came out? Hillsbrad anyone? That is exactly what WAR will devolve into, and if not that, it will turn into a BG grind as that appears to be the penultimate point to the game.
With WoW you can continually evolve your character and learn new strategies, however WAR will not allow that. There is no point to which you can say you have downed a Nef, or have downed Kil Jaeden.
Also, if you are going to start WoW. This would be the best time. Have one of your buddies that plays WoW recruit you and you both level up 3x as fast. Prepare for the Wrath of the Lich King, because once that comes out, everyone is going to start from the same point again.
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