I know this is a little off topic, but I wanted to make a thread where I normally post. Today my programming 11 class got to take a tour of EA games studio in Canada, BC. Just want to say... IT was amazing, probably one of coolest places I have ever been in my entire life. Full outdoor soccer field, basketball/hockey court, Beach volleyball with sand flown in from Malibu, Indoor floor hockey/basketball court. They have there own intermural sports teams which regularly compete with one another. The amenities they have is absolutely insane. Pilates, yoga, full cafeteria with professional chefs. Extremely flexible hours, they basically work whenever they want, as long as they get there work done its fine. They even have there own University in the building which they can take courses at! I have to say after taking a tour I can definitely see myself working there in some way, be it software engineer(programmer), or something else. It was an amazing once in a lifetime chance to check one of these major corporations wo=rk environment, I would recommend it if you ever get the chance. Our class has been learning C++ the last couple of months, of course we are just starting out and only know the basics. So far we have created a Roman Numeral converter, calculator, the infamous "hello world". This tour has aspired me to become a great programmer, any tips? I would like to know your thoughts on this and would a programmer be a good career choice for me?
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