can you tell me what are the difference about this two games??
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I'm going to assume you're talking about the new OF?
Anyways OF2 is a console game, ArmA 2 is a PC game and is superior in pretty much every aspect.
I'm going to assume you're talking about the new OF?
Anyways OF2 is a console game, ArmA 2 is a PC game and is superior in pretty much every aspect.
Come on Guys this is why PC is the best You can have Console game but in consoles you can't have PC games. I tried ArmA 2 demo and its horrible the game is not badly optimized you can say GTA IV is but the game is unfinished I think they want to release the game before Codemasters . Even OPF:DR is not that great but it least I can run it smoothly with medium Graphics and the campaign is Playable but the MP is two bad It took me 5 minutes to find a good match for me I think the Dedicated servers is a must and they're making a patch . but the last word STOP MAKING THREADS LIKE THIS PLEAAAAAAAAAASE both two games are good !!my god!! its like CS source looks better.. but the only problem on ARMA 2 is that it is badly optimized..
Isn't bad optimized. Turn the draw distance from the 5.200 mts (max range) to 500 mts and it will run nicely with better graphics than most of current shooters are able to display at max of 50 mts (I myself I'm playing using 1.500 mts as draw distance because you hardly can hit anything with a sniper rifle over this range). So, you must chose to have a very powerful system, or reduce the draw distance or reduce the level of detail. But don't call it "bad optimized" if the engine is able to do things that not another one in the market is able to do, and gives you the chance to run it smoothly lowering the settings.
GREAT! i thought arma 2 is a bad optimized game.. BTW i have this specs but im wondering it will run on my pc or not?
WINDOWS 7 ultimate
e5300 dual core 2.6
2gb ddr800
inno3d GTX 260 216sp
Man I am running the game with medium Setting with my OLD 7600 You should run the game Smoothly[QUOTE="the_mitch28"]Come on Guys this is why PC is the best You can have Console game but in consoles you can't have PC games. I tried ArmA 2 demo and its horrible the game is not badly optimized you can say GTA IV is but the game is unfinished I think they want to release the game before Codemasters . Even OPF:DR is not that great but it least I can run it smoothly with medium Graphics and the campaign is Playable but the MP is two bad It took me 5 minutes to find a good match for me I think the Dedicated servers is a must and they're making a patch . but the last word STOP MAKING THREADS LIKE THIS PLEAAAAAAAAAASE both two games are good !!I'm going to assume you're talking about the new OF?
Anyways OF2 is a console game, ArmA 2 is a PC game and is superior in pretty much every aspect.
LOL...This guys credability about knowing anything about computers games died right after he said he only played the demo and made a judgement from that......LOL........Wouldn't it have been less wordy had you just said "I dont know anything"
I am enjoying OPFP2 more ^^. Hopefully when dedicated servers come more people play online :)blade55555I don't think it will be coming..
can you tell me what are the difference about this two games??
Avenido I'll try to keep this short. I've posted about this before but ARMA 2 would be more of a simulation where as Operation Flashpoint would be closer to a traditional FPS that delves in to the realm of realism.
I like the small touches that ARMA 2 has. when crawling through the grass you can actually fold the grass down so it will not obscure your vision. You can shoot out tires on vehicles. The day to night cycles and weather cycles are very nice.
In Operation Flashpoint I've ran in to a group of enemies exposing myself to gunfire and killed 3 out of 4 before I was shot and killed. Would probably never happen in ARMA unless the AI was turned down. Usually you'll get shot and killed without ever seeing the person who shot you.
There are a lot more options in ARMA as far as what your character can do. So people like it others do not. I think just having the ability to look around without aiming your weapon is a huge advantage and kept wishing I had the option when playing OF. The controls in ARMA 2 can be a bit daunting but worth learning if you take the time.
If your machine is capable of turning up the graphics then ARMA 2 is definitely better looking than OF with the graphics turned up all the way.
I have a problem with vehicles in both games not being as realistic as I would like but ARMA definitely has more realistic feeling and reacting vehicles. At least after running a vehicle in to a tree enough times it will take damage and no longer work in ARMA 2. In OF I seriously ran a Humvee into over a dozen trees and drove it off a cliff to have it just land on it's roof looking no worse for wear.
The learning curve on ARMA is dramatic so if you're looking for something to jump in and play right away where you won't ask yourself what was the button to do that again then OF is the better choice.
More weapons and vehicles in ARMA2 and with the addition of a great modding community ARMA 2 keeps adding more and more content all the time.
I would like to state one last time ARMA 2's demo is horrible. In fact I almost didn't buy the full game because of the demo. The scenario in the demo is also in the full game and the demo is poorly done compared to the actual scenario.
Voice acting is very bad in ARMA 2. I would definitely say OF has the better voice acting. Having very few military rifles and hand guns I really couldn't tell you if the game sounds are better from one game to another but I do know ARMA 2 has sound packs that can be added to the game to change all the weapon sounds. I know ARMA 1 had vehicle sound packs too.
The AI in ARMA 2 is great in that every AI entity will think for itself. No scripting of events but actual thinking people. Granted it's doesn't always react as you think it would and sometimes this can be very bad but play a scenario a dozen times and the AI will never go to the same spot or do the same thing. And the ability to edit the FSM (Finite State Machine) that controls the AI is a nice touch. I would have to check on the AI in OF but from what I've played it's not bad but not as well done as ARMA 2. Just my opinion on this one.
The editing in ARMA 2 is spectacular. I've seen some amazing things done with just scripting in the editor. I've done some really cool things and I'm by no means a dedicated scriptor or editor in ARMA 2. I tried to launch the editor for OF and it wouldn't load so I can't say how it compares.
As of the latest patch I haven't ran in to the crashing that plagued the game early on. I honestly don't get to play as much as I would like do to the time my work takes up but between the two I really enjoy ARMA 2 over OF.
Look at both reviews of the games on Game Trailers. I felt they did a good job pointing out the positives and negatives of both games. Keep in mind ARMA 2 has definitely improved since it's review and OF will also improve as time goes on.
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