I too would vote for Boiling Point, a totally open RPG action game with great ideas in it. Like all open non linear games, it shipped with bugs, just like Morrowind and Oblivion (and every Bethesda RPG release!) and just like all the other open-ended non linear games of this type. However, if you release a game like this witr a dozen bugs and you are a small publisher you will be slammed by the media, if you are a big purblisher like Bethesda with a game that now has an unofficial patch with over 1,000 fixes, the media will still never, I repeat never, associate it with bugs, so to this day people do not talk about all the bugs in Oblivion, but like the earlier writer, talk about the bugs in Boiling Point.
With the 2.0 patch Boiling Point is perfectly playable, a little rough, like STALKER, but with just as much fun as STALKER. It has speech for every character in every conversation, and there are hundereds of them, it has lots of weapons, lots of vehicles and lots of tasks that are not at all typical, it has open ended gameplay. You can get drunk, you can get hooked on drugs, you can do so many things not done in open ended RPG's at all. And finally, oh the finally! It creates a whole ton of immersion that Oblivion, for example, cannot touch, due to it technically brilliant NO LOADING SCREENS at any time! It will slow occasionally as it streams the data, but if you have a decent PC (2.0ghz+) it is barely noticeable!
All of the reviews for this game will forever be the 'bugged' 1.0 game. No magazine is going to review with the 2.0 patch that solves 90% of the problems. This is a crying shame, and we shoot ourselves in the foot by ignoring it because games like this come along once every 4-5 years -they are so rare and such a wonderful genre we should support them with all our gamer's might!
So go and read the reviews, but think to yourself 'what if all these bugs had been fixed - what score would they give - and then decide if you want to buy this game, install the 2,0 patch and have the best 100 hours of playing an RPG since Morrowind or Silent Shock 2!
So I vote for Boiling Point, with a nomination on the side for Space Rangers 2. Another game with tons of fun that got sidelined by most media because it was not 3D and did not come from a major publisher! (It's why I am a fan of Gamespy, they made it number 4 in their Game of the Year top 10! While the rest of gaming media just didn't get it - but thankfully, many gamers did and the game has got great user reviews and independent gaming site scores!)
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