Hi all, i'm looking for either a nice rpg game or strategy game like Age of Empires 3. I want an rpg or strategy game with quite nice graphics but dont want to find out that when I get it my computer cant run the game or its really choppy...Here are few games I would be happy with: Sacred 2 fallen angel, Titan Quest, neverwinter nights 2 (although im pretty sure wont be able to run it), command and conquer 3 etc.
My computer specs are as follows;
Intel Pentium 4 @ 3ghz.
Ati radeon x1650 pro, pci/e 512mb
1 gig of ram
Please feel free to let me know if I can run any of these games smoothly with at least medium graphical detail: also I would be grateful if you could recommend me other games that would run well with my hardware.
Thanks very much,
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