No spoilers, please! From what I've gathered from videos, you get 3 companions, and I thought I'd take along Alaistair, Morrogan and that bard girl. Would this be okay? I'm not familiar with the system; i'm sort of making guesses based on DnD. Can Morrigan nuke, for instance? And can the bard do rogueish stuff?
Anyway, back to the main question. What character would be a good main dude? As I understand it, there are no clerics in this game. Otherwise I'd have one of those.
DA:O's cIass system is way more simple than that of Dnd. There are three base cIasses: rogue, warrior, mage; there are specilaizations (similar to the elite cIass in dnd) for each. specilization only means 4 talents (abilities/perks) to add to the vanilla when leveling up; now, bard is just a specilization for rogue.
personally I'd recommend mage, the most powerful cIass (yet you need to be careful picking spells otherwise, early on it'll be quite tough).
also, rogue is a fun cIass to play, and ranger is a good specilization: the game is deplete of summoning spells, and ranger talents enable you to summon animal companions.
finally, if you're a dnd veteran, start with hard difficulty (similar to the hardcore rule set in BG) and above.
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