A few games that could do with a facelift would include...
Unreal - the original SP game would look great if they revamped the environments and characters, and improved some of the gameplay in some of the areas. But strangely enough, I wouldn't remake it in the latest Unreal engine, but instead utilise the Crysis engine, which renders some breathtaking environments on a large scale.
Jedi Knight: Dark Forces 2 - looks very dated now, but it still has such great level design and variety of gameplay, along with a compelling story of vengeance, that it could stand a remake. The Source engine would be a good starting point, due to the excellent character animation capabilities and the fact that Force Pull and Push are pretty much already built in (that's basically what the gravity gun does).
Eye Of The Beholder 1 & 2, Ultima Underworld 1 & 2, Betrayal At Krondor, etc., could all be revamped in a modern engine, while leaving the storylines intact.
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