Wow this is a ways in the future isn't it? Ha! Oh well, here's what I expect in my best sales pitch voice possible.
I expect a super-high priced gaming machine that not only does just games, oh no, but also plays hi-res future formatted DVDs and movies, gets access to the internet, AND has a virtual store with things to buy! WOAH! Oh but that's not all, it'll come with games exclusive to the Playstation 4, such as METAL GEAR 6: SNAKE'S ON A PLANE and FINAL FANTASY XXXXIVVIIIII! It'll be so beautiful to look at that even when the games are OFF, the machine still LOOKS HIGH DEF! WHAT? ARE YOU KIDDING ME?
:D All jokes aside, it's probably going to be one beautiful piece of machinery...if not highly priced and in the beginning, not very useful. But most likely it'll turn out to be pretty sweet, and also it will revolutionize it's current system franchise even more (screw tilty controls, something bigger'll come out)...or we'll stick with Dual Shock. :D
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