I can REALLY relate to what people say in this thread... Altho I do think the consoles has a part to play, I also think it is a generation thing.
Games today has eliminated all thought process in favor of colorful explosions.
I dislike the handholding and lack of "intelligent" diffeculties in games in general these days, you never have to think, you are basicly always told what to do, and how to react to a situation as soon as you enter.
I like the games of old, the complex ones, where you need to think, I enjoyied the slower pace in alot of games (rpgs in perticular).
I like how you sometime had to take a break from the game, to think the information you got through.
I liked the "learn or lose" mentality...
Nowadays the newer kind of gamers complain if they have to think just a little bit, if the game aint non stop action, it is almost certainly a failure.
Example: Fallout 3, you are pointed to the area, and the person you need to talk to, you are TOLD what to do, you basicly just have to do it. No thought process whatsoever.
The general setting in games nowadays has taken a beating aswell, they does not seem as well thought out as it used to... In older games the settings has thier own stories to tell, you really felt drawn in, and you wanted to know as much as you could about the world, because they were freakin awesome
I miss the old games... also how interactive they were in comparasin, how you could flip switches and so on, they were not part of the game, but there to make the worlds seem more complete.
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