Gameplay, graphics, diolog, you name it. What do you want to see Improved in Skyrim compared to Oblivion.
In a combat sense I want enemies to be more aware. As a thief / Assassin in Oblivion I found that I could basicly walk past an enemy without them noticing, I want more of a challenge when it comes to sneaking around, it appeared like just because I was crouching down I could ever so stealthily talk past someone.
Interaction with AIs needs to be better in towns, and It seems that Bathesda has done a lot in this aspect, but I still want to be impressed by it. In oblivion characters were oblivious to everything other than the Guards always knowing where you were and what you were doing.
As it looked at E3, the Graphics and Landscape has improved like no other. I love the different zones of land, from snow, to desert things seem to have more of a reality feature. Snow as you travel up the mountains, etc etc :P
I pray that the outside world is better prepared for you. I got tired of running around like a god with the occasional Bear and Wolf attacking me and easily dieing in one hit.
So what do you think? I have no doubt Skyrim will be a must play, but what do you want to see improved in retrospect to Oblivon??
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