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Arx Fatalis is the closest thing I can think of, and Dark Messiah of Might and Magic is similar to that.
Other great first-person FPS/RPGs are Deus Ex, System Shock and Vampire Bloodlines, although they're not really like Oblivion.
Boiling Point is full of quests, traits and abilities and has an enormous world. Plenty of bugs, too. It's in a completely different environment, but it is similar is style, I guess.
dark messiah of might and magic is pretty closebunnyben2
Not really. DM&M is a linear, mission-based game, whereas TESIV: Oblivion is very open-ended with many side quests and a large environment to roam around in.
I wanna know this, too. Only one I know is Shadowrun.TheRedStrike
Uh, the only similarities are they are both in first person and you can use magic, that's it
[QUOTE="bunnyben2"]dark messiah of might and magic is pretty closeEinhanderkiller
Not really. DM&M is a linear, mission-based game, whereas TESIV: Oblivion is very open-ended with many side quests and a large environment to roam around in.
Hmm...I'd say that Oblivion is sort of a cross between Morrowind and Dark Messiah.
Dark Messiah had good combat, but was totally linear and didn't have many role-playing options.
Oblivion was...less linear, in that you could go anywhere you wanted to, but more linear in that there weren't any actual role-playing options - even Dark Messiah had a good path and a bad path, as well as multiple endings, and character points in DM actually meant something; Oblivion just totally screwed up on all of these RPG elements. Oblivion's combat was worse than Dark Messiah's, too.
Then there's Morrowind, which had a fairly mediocre (if not bad) combat system, but more role-playing than either of the other games (but only because the guilds/houses were mutually exclusive).
So...they are slightly similar.
You should really try the Gothic series! Gothic I is kind of dated and small, but might be fun to play to get a grasp of the entire storyline. Gothic II and III are great games that actually have more freedom than Oblivion, but are less polished.
Also, there is a new game called Two Worlds. It plays like a cross between Gothic/Oblivion (gameplay, open game world)and Diablo (items), but it is bugged beyond everything I've ever seen. You could check it out in a few months when the bugs are worked out butfor now: don't buy it!
Lol, I'm sorry, I should have been clearer with what I was asking (had two or three hours of sleep). Are there any games that have a first person/third person point of view that is nota shooter game.So far I seen a few stated. Where would I download Gothic demos?
I have Dark Messiah and I'm waiting for Arx Fatalis to come. Never knew Two Worlds was out. Thanks. I'll check out the Action RPGs
Lol, I'm sorry, I should have been clearer with what I was asking (had two or three hours of sleep). Are there any games that have a first person/third person point of view that is nota shooter game.So far I seen a few stated. Where would I download Gothic demos?
I have Dark Messiah and I'm waiting for Arx Fatalis to come. Never knew Two Worlds was out. Thanks. I'll check out the Action RPGs
Arx Fatalis, the Gothic series, and Dark Messiah are the closest you're going to get to Oblivion's feel and style. As others have stated, Gothic II Gold (Gothic II + Night of the Raven) is the best the series has to offer. Don't even bother with Gothic 3, since you will most likely be dissappointed and be discouraged from exploring the Gothic franchise any further. Both Arx Fatalis and Dark Messiah were developed by the Arkane Studios, and feature many of the same aspects, such as voice actors, combat, and first-person POV. My recommendation goes to Arx Fatalis however, since it was much more atmospheric and featured a slightly deeper role-playing system.
Other great first-person RPG's to checkout are:
All three of the above games are considered superior to Oblivion, but feature more futuristic settings, and sci-fi/horror elements.
For demos, refer to the following links:
What are some other games that are similar to Oblivion's gaming style? Other than Morrowind. Thanks =)pcktlnt
Vampire, Bloodlines. There are some videos on youtube with a person demoing the pre-release of the game. Check it out
Fable 1 and 2emilysakai
I was going to suggest Fable 1 as well.... but 2 isn't out yet, nor a PC version has been mentioned.
Two worlds is the closest thing to the elder scrolls :)-Origin-
yeah , he's right , two worlds is a great game with patches now. u should give it a try.
[QUOTE="-Origin-"]Two worlds is the closest thing to the elder scrolls :)mert15_2004
yeah , he's right , two worlds is a great game with patches now. u should give it a try.
There have been many great games mentioned in this thread, so I'm going to back up one that has been dogged many times and is underrated. Two Worlds.
The issue of bugs: I never experienced any bugs. Patches fixed that last year. The setting is more gritty than Oblivion. The spell and combat animations are WAY better than Oblivion. The music is great. The shading and environment are more realistic than Oblivion.
The downside: The voice acting and dialogue are laughable. They're really bad.
Listen. It's just my humble opinion, but try playing the game for more than ten hours. It's a pain in the butt at first because you start out very weak...similar to Morrowind. But once you start gaining skills and techniques, the game becomes more entertaining.
Wow, feels like this game never existed. Goddamn it, seriously, if theres one game that really is similar to oblivion it is two worlds. Am i the only person who actually played that game? I guess people just look at critics' reviews and thought that if critics dont like it, they will never like it.
P.S. Enjoy your halos, gears of wars and metal gear solids, I'll enjoy my arcanum, deus ex, two worlds, stalker, the witcher, etc.
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