Irecently got an Uber gaming rig and have relatives eager to waste their money on me. I had all kinds of great game ideas like Assasin's Creed and Drake's Fortune and Crysis and CoD 4, but I already have Crysis, I'm getting CoD 4, and am undecided on AC and Drake's Fortune (I know it's ps3 only). I'm undecided on AC and UT 3 (I didn't like the demo much) and Uncharted is too short for a purchase. Is Bioshock really worth it? I played it fpr about and hour at my friends house and didn't like it much, should I get it? If there are any other games worth my family's money please let me know. If the games aren't put yet, but will be when Christmas rolls around those count too. Thanks.
If you didn't like the UT3 demo you won't like the game (even though I thought the demo was a blast). I'd say get Assasins Creed...but I haven't played it myself
If you didn't like the UT3 demo you won't like the game (even though I thought the demo was a blast). I'd say get Assasins Creed...but I haven't played it myselfendtype
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