I am being pulled into the abyss. This whole ati vs nvidia graphics cards is giving me a headache. I just wanted to upgrade toa decent single graphics card to run my games in 1080p with full graphic effects and decent AA turned on. I dont mind spending some money, but i dont want to go broke. I eliminated the Ati 5970 from my choices. What is left is essentially the ati 5870, or either the gtx 470 and gtx 480. I just ordered the 5870 from Tiger Direct. But now i am having second thoughts. I have read hundreds of posts from several forums and they all just degrade into this horrible fanboy jibberish and i can no longer separate fact from fiction. Can anyone say anything that will make me feel good about my purchase.....or have i made a mistake?
I have a I7 920 processor, 750 watt psu, 9 gigs ddr3 ram, win7 64-bit and game on a 54in plasma tv. I currently have a gtx 260. The reason for upgrading was because i had to scale back resolution and graphics options for some new games like Just Cause 2 and Battlefield BC2. I dont need super high resolutions above 1080p or dual monitor gaming.
Will i be fine with the 5870?
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