secuRom is a form of DRM
and there are several others.. gameguard is another
there are a few others..
anyway DRM isnt bad per say but its very annoying and doesnt do as it was intended. ubisoft's private DRM is by far one of the worst but NOTHING is as bad as GFWL.
you know XBL/XBLA i assume. we have a variant called GFWL. its not as sun shiney and happy as its console cousin. while its not a DRM. you cant patch a game, mod a game, add dlc/expansions to a game, play mp, and save your game (properly) without having it up and it routinely falls all over itself and dies on you sometimes its pre-game sometimes its in-game.. it just fails horribly. its like an Xbox owners worst nightmare.. if XBL ever became a gfwl clone.. no one would eveer buy an xbox again.. there would be riots in the streets by toddler's i swear.. :P
beyond the above you have steam of course which is the polar opposite of GFWL but its alot more resource heavy than GFWL.
next you have which is both its own hosting service like gfwl and steam and a DRM. their DRM is probably one of the rare cases of DRM doing as it should properly.. but as stated rare cases and its a bit.. poorly organzied i guess is the best way to describe it.
now the above being said not everyone uses DRM and more often than not those that do use securom b/c their lazy.. securom is mostly harmless and is no bother to anyone.. pay it no mind.
i personnaly look at drm like a great big crazy people convention.. securom is your everyday crazy.. ubisoft's is the psychotic madman, and steam is your oddball.. he likes the confetti :P
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