Hey Fellas, Ok what I'm getting at here is more to do with say a game like Saints Row 2 although it applies to nearly all games sold today on any platform.
What is it that when publishers/developers run trailers on thier games, the action is silky smooth, yet when you actually play the game, it's nowhere near that fluid in actuality?
To be more specific, take Saints Row 2 as an example, watching the trailers, the Frame-rates look to be at least in the high 60's or thier abouts, now I can understand this from the console side, but it's crap on even a monster PC(even though I know the port was a very lazy optimisation job).
What is it that these companies do to make the game run super slick in trailer form but somehow, the game still has stuttering issues when you actually play it?
Of course this don't apply to all games but most have some problem with this, particularly PC titles(ok I know this depends on your setup to a large degree, but SR2 just proves the awful effort a lot of Devs put into customer satisfaction these days).
Anyone else wonder about this too?
Cheers for the contributions fellas.
Sam The Bam
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