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believe me i thought that too but its like taking levels from quake and removing the ability to use a weapon... plus fps view= pain in the ass.. ridiculous game... id go with sam fisher, or solid snake... or play quake 1 instead of trying to stealth in it...Well i can't go wrong with tom clancy, but riddick seems pretty fun
Splinter Cell Pandora Tomorrow is arguably the worst SC ever made (Double Agent was rough as hell too). I don't know, if you are in love with the series as I was it is passable - being Sam Fisher the super spy is pretty damn fun and there are some jaw dropping moments like the traaaaain! *falls over side but grips on with his fingers on the ledge* but it's very bland and the environments are dull dull dull.
But frankly, Riddick is the best one. I've played that game many times and it's badass - I'm a great Vin Diesel fan as long as he performs in anything action based and over the top and Butcher Bay is waaaay over the top. It's the only prison based game I ever enjoyed, and playing as Riddick is far more badass than playing Fisher. Guns are hardly used...its the melee where this game excels. You can fight against neighbouring prisoners for money and the brawling is funny stuff (in the game too).
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