I am really enjoying the more complex RTS games such as CoH, Sins, SupCom, and Earth 2160. Sins and SupCom both have really great interfaces that really simplify the complex gameplay. (yes I realize there are much more complex games out there) Company of Heroes interface is not bad either. I really like games where I can quickly select all of one type of unit onscreen with a hotkey or double clicking. Grouping and being able to select all combat units on screen with a hotkey is also useful.
I really don't like how overly balanced games are becoming. I prefer sides to play completely different such as in Universe @ War, Star Craft, Earth 2160, Zero Hour, Tiberian Sun, or Dawn of War. I really dont like different sides feeling like tweaked versions of the other armies in the game. Games feel like they are becoming too balanced. Any unit army #1 has, army #2 has a variation of the same unit. I really really hate this. It is becoming so common place.
Units need to have behavioral settings. I hate my units just randomly chasing after emeny units, because the enemy player is aggro-ing my units that have a mind of their own. Units also need to be able to be set up in different formations. Also the direction you want them facing when moving them. Such as in CoH, it allows me to back my tanks out of conflicts so they dont get hit in the rear armor. Units also need to be able to take cover. I don't care if it is a space game, the ships should be able to cover in asteroid fields or nebulas. Â
Heroes are another aspect of the game I really enjoy. I thought Battle for Middle Earth II did a great job with this. I only played WarCraft III a tiny amount and a long time ago but from what I remember it did a great job too. I really like to see levels and veterancy incorporated into RTS games. Upgradable units are also a plus. I was also pleased to see units drop weapons when killed in CoH.
Populations caps don't usually seem to be a problem and it doesn't bother me when they dont exist. However in Star Wars: Empire at War in multiplayer the cap was too low. Especially for how long it took to destroy units or structures in the game. I played a friend and I captured enough points that my cap was 8 and his was 2. Needless to say 2 wasn't enough to take out Obi wan Kenobi. This was while Obi wan was taking hits killing his defense and taking hits from his 2 units groups. I would get Obi wan's heal ability before he could finish Obi off. Also with Obi and the rest of my army of 8 groups I could barely destroy his structures before he rebuilt them. Needless to say the above scenario lasted for a long time and was not fun at all and I was winning.
Flanking, this is something I would like to see more games incorporate. There should be some benefit to attacking units from the side/back or catching them off guard.
Pathfinding. This needs to be improved. This has been kinda sketchy throughout RTS history. Especially when moving large groups of units. I also think way points are necessary or queing up actions.
Games with more than one resource type need simplified ways to gather resources (if the game requires you to gather resource as opposed to capturing points)Â Such as in Empire Earth 2 (granted I didnt like this game, I liked the simplicity in gathering resources)
Tech trees need to exist in RTS games. None of them should look like the tech tree out of Earth 2160, that is way too complex. Unless it is a slow paced rts.
Base building is one of the most enjoyable aspects of RTS games for me. I don't really care for over simplified base building. I especially don't care for the crap they pulled in the first Battle for Middle Earth game.
Defense is pretty useless in a fair number of RTS games. I realize this prevents players from becoming super turtles. There needs to be a way around the defense, not just make the defense worthless. Powers(commander abilities) or superweapons are great for this. Ranged units are good too. Granted the turtle can just sit back and use these too. I think powers and superweapons should require the use of resources. This allows a player to cut off resources to the turtle preventing them from just spamming them.
Resources, thats another problem. Some games like to run out of them, FAST. Eh em Dark Reign 2, Command and Conquer 3.
Map size, this is an issue from C&C 3, and from what I played in the Beta of RA3 (wasn't as bad). I am not a fan of all arena sized maps where you are literally on top of your opponent. Granted you could play larger player maps, but it never felt right.
I haven't played End War, so I don't know if I like voice commands, but I am thinking I won't. I think simple RTS games are great for getting new players in the RTS genre. I welcome them. I don't plan on playing them, but I think they are for the best.
I am looking forward to DOW2. I hope it will incorporate some of the items listed above. If it carries on what the first game did and add items from CoH. I realize they plan on focusing on smaller gameplay (as in the number of units), but I have no problem with that. I want to be emotionally attached to my units. I am hoping StarCraft II will also be good. I am just fearing it will be fairly simple, so that appeals to the masses.
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