What is your favorite first or third person shooter game?
my favorite games are
1.fallout 3
2.dead space
4.call of duty world at war
5.gears of war
6.fear 2 project origin
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What is your favorite first or third person shooter game?
my favorite games are
1.fallout 3
2.dead space
4.call of duty world at war
5.gears of war
6.fear 2 project origin
Of all time:
Halo 1, 2, 3
Left 4 Dead
Armed and Dangerous
Advent Rising
The Outfit
Call of Duty 2 and 4
I have many, not really favorites cuz I like em all.
CoD series
FarCry series
Duke Nukem 3D
Max Payne series
Crysis games
Battlefield games
CS/HL games
& more....
Half-Life 2(favourite)
Half-Life 2: Episode Two
Team Fortress 2
Doom 2
Quake 2
Quake 4
STALKER: Shadow Of Chernobyl
Don't really play third-person shooters. Dead Space is the only one that comes to mind really.
All are gaming classics :D
i'm a fallout 3 fan and i have all DLC's except for mothership zeta i'm wating for that expansion packHalf-Life
Half-Life 2(favourite)
Half-Life 2: Episode Two
Team Fortress 2
Doom 2
Quake 2
Quake 4
STALKER: Shadow Of ChernobylDon't really play third-person shooters. Dead Space is the only one that comes to mind really.
- Deus Ex
- Fallout 3
- Half Life 2
- Resident Evil 4
- Bioshock
- Portal
- Metroid Prime
- F.E.A.R
All are gaming ****cs :D
in no order cause i like them all the same
gears 2(horde mode)
RSvegas 1 and 2
Mass Effect
dead space(btw on the subject would my specs run it good?)
thats all for now
i like rainbow six vegas 2 tooin no order cause i like them all the same
gears 2(horde mode)
RSvegas 1 and 2
Mass Effect
dead space(btw on the subject would my specs run it good?)
thats all for now
Half Life 2 was one of the first titles I bought for my then brand new Pentium 4 - and it just blew me away.
I can still remember staying up well into the night with this game during its first week of release - I would turn off my computer and just shake my head in wonder at what I had just experienced... no movie, book, or album, has ever come close to entertaining me or engaging me the way that a great game has.
Gaming is the greatest hobby on the face of the planet.
CoD series are great FPS games, amazingly packed with action. Gears of War is a great TPS game too.Adversary16me too i like COD4 and 5
Hard to judge since most shooters are VERY similar; so I'll just make a list:
i just finished transformers revenge of the fallen the autobots campaign and it's a great game for me.d
Video card:ASUS EAH4870x2
Processor:Intel core i7 920 2.67 GHZ
Ram:2 GB
Motherboard:P6T deluxe
Max Payne 1 & 2
TPS: Max Payne is head and shoulders above almost any other third person game. biggest_loserFor someone who values narrative in games/movies, why do you never mention Mafia in same sentence with Max Payne? :?
For someone who values narrative in games/movies, why do you never mention Mafia in same sentence with Max Payne? :? Well I did say almost lol :P Hmm. I duno Mafia is fantastic but I've played through it only once I think and that was a while ago. Max Payne is a game I know extremely well and is like in my top 3 games ever.TPS-
Max Payne 1 & 2[QUOTE="biggest_loser"]TPS: Max Payne is head and shoulders above almost any other third person game. JackBurton
Bioshock(the greatest FPS ever) Fallout 3 Far Cry 2 Crysis Call of Juarez BiB Call of Duty 4 Doom Team Fortress 2 Gears of War Oblivion Prince of Persia Max Payne That is it.gamer_96i didn't like farcry 2 and i never finished it and fallout 3 is my all time favorite
First Person Shooter:
Halflife series including expansions
Deus Ex (hybrid of FPS and RPG)
Quake 4
Doom 3
Third Person Shooter:
Hitman series
Freedom Fighters
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