what would you say is your top choice FPS in the last 5 years? if more than one list them in order of best to worst. and remember this qustion is what is YOUR FAVORITE FPS game. NOT what was THE BEST. no attacking each others choices :) unless some one says Doom3 as there #1 lol j/k
mine is by far HL2. It just did every thing right for me. art style in the levels were great. charicters were memorable and even though most got little actual screen time thay still had a very fleashed out feel to them, music was very moody. gameplay was just right for me. Not to much action like say D3 but i never got bord.story was a little hard to follow at points but maby thats because i never got the chance to play HL1 though im makeing some free time for HL1 source that came with HL2 collectors edition. the game was just great from start to finish. most games start feeling very rushed near the end but i never got that feeling with HL2. i just thought it was a real work of art and one of those rare games that i'll remember and look back on years from now. I just wish i had the chance to play part 1 when it came out back in the day as i heard it was awsome.
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