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Hmmm, such a long time ago. I'm not sure, i think it was manic miner, on the c64. Could have been that pong game with the silly wheel pads, the one with the white sticks and a square for a ball. You could switch it to different games like tennis and football but they were all the same really.Frozzik
that pong-game was mine too! i can still remember those poor wheel pads :)
[QUOTE="Frozzik"]Hmmm, such a long time ago. I'm not sure, i think it was manic miner, on the c64. Could have been that pong game with the silly wheel pads, the one with the white sticks and a square for a ball. You could switch it to different games like tennis and football but they were all the same really.prowler666
that pong-game was mine too! i can still remember those poor wheel pads :)
Yeah these young uns of today don't know their born with all their fancy 3D graphics lol. I recently put a few old games on my pc to show my 8 year old, he just laughed when he saw them and asked if monitors were black and white in the olden days when i was young. lol, feel so old.This
Same platform. I completed it too, I loved it.
This was the first RPG I ever played, which is now my favorite genre.
I also really liked this back in the day.Â
Same platform. I completed it too, I loved it.
This was the first RPG I ever played, which is now my favorite genre.
dungeon master rules. i spent months on that game back in the days tooÂ
mine was...wolf3d, doom, or mechwarrior 2...wait...i was afraid of mechwarrior 2 lol cause the mechs kept comming out of nowhere...i was such a **** when i think about it....ahmedkandil
Dude. I got scared when I managed to get to the last level of Batman on the Spectrum, and that's not scary at all. So don't worry about it. :P
edit: here it is on the C64 :D
First game I ever played, I'm really not sure - those years have all sort of blurred into one period of boring time before graphics cards had their separate spot on my motherboard :P First game that got me hooked (and well and truly hooked I was) was Dune II... damn was that game awesome - the dawn of RTS as we know it. When you look at Dune II and at C&C: Tiberium Wars, I'm shocked at just how little has actually changed! First shooter was Wolf 3D - that bad guy at the end of the first 'episode' with the dual mini guns, damn he scared me! A lot more can be said for FPSs: Wolf compared to HL2 and soon the next big jump with Crysis... now there's your bench mark for how graphics and gameplay technology can progress.
Other blasts from the past included X-Wing (which yes, actually struggled with frames per second on my very first rig haha), Duke Nukem (the platform game, not that fancy shooter :P) and Commander Keen among others.
the first game i remember playing is cloak of darkness, a text adventure on some system i don't even remember - i have only vague memories of trying to possible catch dracula, and getting game over because i told a rat to f*ck off
the first game i have full vivid memories of playing is moon patrol on atari 5200
I have a lot of firsts... started out with some gaming system which contained pong and several variants (this was late 70's early 80's, if I remember correctly) ... and two shooters ... the thing actually came with a "rifle" and a "pistol" for the shooter (wired hookup of course.. :) ), played some kind of text rpg on one of the first "pc's" like we know them now, forgot it's name, but this was sometime in the early 80's, played a lot of games on my friends commodore 64, don't remember titles though, but had a blast playing them... my favorite game on the Atari gaming system was breakout.... bought my first actual PC in '89... and played pretty much all the classics on that, doom, wolf3d, dune and dune 2, eye of the beholder, commander keen, duke nukem, bard's tale, etc. (in vivid black and amber colors, until I upgraded to CGA capabilities which gave me an astounding 4 colours)Â Also played some more obscure titles on that ... one that stands out was called Keef the Thief, which was a fun little RPG like game, in which you played a ... drumroll.... thief... lol.... I basically missed the whole command and conquer thing, until nr 2 and red alert came out... I never really got into the whole console gaming thing, so missed all the classics on those (except for games I played at friends houses).... and I'm sure I spent several hundreds (maybe even thousands) of dollars on all the classic arcade machines
 That's my brief little history of gaming... could fill several pages with all the games I've played....
My parents let me me play Pong on their gaming system when I was like two years old I think. After that I really cant remember.
Some of my earlier game were Mario bros, Contra, and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles on console and Wolfenstein, Doom, The 7th Guest, Aces of the Pacific, Tie Fighter, Chip's Challenge (for Windows 4.1!), and Tetris on PC.
Oh how I long for the day of the 5.25 in floppy, where technology sucked and gameplay was awesome!
What was the first game you ever played that got you hooked?? Mine was Wolf3Dfunkmail
But if you mean computer games, Alkabeth, by Lord British, his first game, before Ultima I. When I was about 13, I used to watch him code in a computer store south of houston, when he was coding Ultima I. I didn't know he had coded Alkabeth or who the hell he was until Ultima I came out, and I noticed the game was the same game that skinny geek was coding the previous year.  He was probably working at the store for not much more than minimum wage at the time.
First game I ever got hooked on was Super Smash Bros on N64... that game's still awesome..
Then I think it was Zelda and Pokemon... but I sold my Pokemon to ppl at school for about 15$ each last month, lol... i think i lost my zeldas...
 I'm pretty sure my first actual PC game was something off of miniclips or addictinggames.......
Although, my first MMORPGs were MapleStory and RuneScape (god, how I hated and still hate that game).
Than I met World of Warcraft....
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