My first PC game was the original Half Life. I was blown away by the game, whenever I go back to it it always takes me back,
So what was your first PC game? ( Just curious!:D)
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My first PC game was the original Half Life. I was blown away by the game, whenever I go back to it it always takes me back,
So what was your first PC game? ( Just curious!:D)
The first PC game I played was called Power Pete. It came free on the new Mac computer we got for Christmas '95 or '96.
The first PC game I bought was Warcraft: Orcs and Humans for $9 at a garage sale.
Until I could afford my own PC, my PC gaming was off and on based on whenever my parents would upgrade the family computer. I'm grateful now to be on my own and able afford my own gaming PC. I can stay up to date and not be forced to take breaks from PC gaming.
Mine was a Zoo simulator, called «Zoo Virtual», it's an old game but I was a kid so I kind of liked it.
I spent more time watching the various deaths from the traps than actually playing it haha.Prince of Persia (1989)
Sublogic's Jet
I wasn't impressed with the graphics even back then :lol: Plus, it ran at maybe...... 5 fps.
Duck Tales: The Quest for Gold.
Me and my brother fought over this game on our newly bought COLOR monitor. I still remember upgrading our computer with 4 MBs of RAM to support Doom (might have been Doom 2) a couple of years later. And having to change to the D: drive to support the CD Rom games when they started coming out.
Does Ski Free count?
Anyways, my first REAL game was Toy Story 2 on PC in 1999. It kind of got me into PC gaming and was significantly better then the N64 version, and I ended up PC gaming quite a bit in the early 00's. Playing Star Wars: Jedi Knight, Half-Life, Far Cry and a bunch of indie games on some disc I had.
I wasn't a super hardcore PC gamer, mainly stuck to PS2, but I did subscribe to PC Gamer and recently got back into PC gaming.
On AtariST it would of been centipede. Then when I owned a PC I believe the first game I "attempted" to boot up was Doom2 on a 486sx, but I believe I only had 2mb of RAM and you needed 4mb to get playable framerates. So it was basically a slideshow @ 5FPS :lol:.
I am going to assume we are leaving Commodore out, so my first PC game was Starcraft. Half Life was number 2. And it's only number 2 because I opened Starcraft first.
The first one I was exposed to was Wolfenstein 3D. I watched my Dad play it as a kid, but I guess the first one that I personally played was Age of Empires 1, I think.
First PC game I ever played.. I have no clue, we'd go to my grandmothers in France for Christmas most years, and there was this weird game.. I think you were a spaceman in like.. the stone age? It was 3d models, but on a side scroll I think, but maybe it was fully 3d.. I don't know, all I remember is it was epic.
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