The idea seems pretty interesting but would it really work?
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I don't see how it can work because the entire ME universe is basically destroyed by the ending of ME3.
This. Mass Effect, the canon has always been about single-player, and the choices that can be made (nvm the lousy ME3 ending).
BioWare made an error incorporating multi into ME3 - they allowed it to take away from the single-player. How? By taking away a mission to increase fleet effectiveness. I believe there once was a mission for that, because the planet Aequitas lit up before, with no mission to do and no artifacts to be found there.
I think TORtanic is a good example of why you shouldn't invest in MMOs currently. They're just failures waiting to happen.
I think TORtanic is a good example of why you shouldn't invest in MMOs currently. They're just failures waiting to happen.
meh, TOR did ok. I can think of MMO's that did a lot worse.
Space focused MMOs just can't handle the market and the competition for player base with other MMOs ... not to mention that lack of lore = lack of content = loss in interest =game will "burn out" pretty fast = game dies ...
I mean - the ME lore is all about several races and how they are eventually gonna deal with the Reapers ... there is nothing else in the "story" ...
MMOs are generally boring and awful, and I get the feeling that being stuffed into the citadel with 7,000 emoting neckbeards would actually ruin the entire Mass Effect universe for me.
it would work very well, but there are way too many MMOs. in addition to this, bioware/ea already have a sci-fi mmo out.yellosnolvr
This, and Bioware needs to do some fixing (sound) and some improving (a lot) on SWTOR, before they go and get started on another Space MMO.
As a sandbox it would be awsome. As a theme-park/carebear pandering WoW-clone, it basically be TORtanic 2.0, no matter what gimmick they found to go with it.
It would be amazing if done right. But making a truly great MMO that doesn't feel stale is one of the biggest obstacles facing devs these days, and that's before even counting the fact that it would be creatively crippled like ToR because budgets will be high.
Noone cares about Sci-Fi MMORPGs. If it doesn't have elves and orcs and ****, then it won't have many players...:(
Noone cares about Sci-Fi MMORPGs. If it doesn't have elves and orcs and ****, then it won't have many players...:(
I think it's a great idea. But BioWare are storytellers rather than creators of computer games. It's incredibly difficult to balance the two and an MMO would make it even harder. ToR showed just how difficult it was by trying to keep story and gameplay separate through heavy uses of instancing.
meh, I hate MMO's but I'm a huge Mass Effect fan boy, so I'd be looking at it.
Much rather see a new single-player game set in the universe, hopefully Mass Effect: Blasto
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