Alright, this has been discussed innumerable number of time in the past, but all the hue and cry seems to have died down now. The petition to bring the game to PC got a record number of signatures, people found PC related configuration information on the game's console files, Intel and some other high profile companies mentioned that the game won't be console exclusive for long etc. But all that was too long ago. Right now, the console gamers are bashing and ridiculing PC gamers left and right on the Destiny topic related to PC, and some of them are actually saying that Rockstar has announced there won't ever be a PC version of GTA V (although none of them stated any sources I don't find such info anywhere on the internet).
I'm not really a die hard fan of the GTA games, but I still own all GTA games on the PC because I find them entertaining. So I'd just like to know what really is going on with this game with respect to the PC, because all the excitement/hope has completely died down and PC gamers seem to have accepted the fact that it probably won't arrive on the PC. So what do you people feel about this?
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