It really depends on the person. When you say PC for Gaming. I'm assuming you want the best machine possible.
Gaming computers are like custom cars. New hardware comes out every month and hardcore gamers gotta have em, so I find myself upgrading something new every couple of months. I spent well over 3000$ on my machine just on upgrades in the last 2 years, Originally i spent half of that to start off my build back when the 8800 series cards were the thing. I think the only thing I have left of my first build is the case. 3000$ isn't necessary for everyone, It's my hobby and I can afford it so why not...
I find myself spending 500$+ Bucks on video cards every 6 months to a year. Then a new processor with a new socket comes out, then that means I have to upgrade my Motherboard+Processor+Heatsink+RaM. You'll find yourself spending way more money on a gaming rig if you want the top of the line stuff over a console. Spend about 700$ on a gaming machine you can probably get ok graphics. Close to 2,000$ or slightly less will get you an excellent gaming build with way better graphics than consoles. So in answer to the question, it's by far more expensive to have a High end gaming build over a console, and just about the same if you don't care for the high end stuff, just enough to play the games on descent setting. PC gaming is more expensive if you chose the high end route, otherwise mediocre machine and consoles kinda even out. You spend 60$ on a console game or 30$ on a PC game. I have way more console titles than PC titles mainly because PC games that come out last longer because of online play yet i'm hardly on the console. Console games are shorter so you always end up buying a new game every couple of weeks. You can end up spending a hefty amount on console gaming as well. 60$ a game adds up. I have about 13 or 14 titles on the console. That's about 800$ add that to the 400$ i spent on the PS3 $1200, add a couple hundred more and you can build a gaming rig. So again, all depends on the user ;)
That's the problem with people that don't game on PCs when they think about PC gaming. They think they have to constantly spend tons and tons of money to upgrade their computer at least once a year to be able to play games well.
What people need to realize is that on a decent resolution (1440 x 900 or better) and a game you can run at medium settings is going to look just as good as any console, if not better 99% of the time.
I can build anyone a PC for around $1200 (excluding monitor, keyboard, mouse, speakers) that will run any current game at high settings (Crysis being the exception) on a 1680x1050 resolution and it will be able to keep performaing at a console level or better for the next 2-3 years. There is no need to constantly throw money towards the newest/fastest parts out there.
However, you can be one of those people that spends tons of money once or twice a year to constantly upgrade your computer, you can do whatever you want with your money. I just try to point out to people that PC gaming isn't like how most people think it is where you have to constantly dump money into it.
All said and done, I spent about $1200 on my current computer. It's been good to me for the past 17-18 months and it's more then capable of playing all my games (including Crysis) at high settings (I do tone down some settings on Crysis to medium to improve performance) on my 22" monitor with a resolution of 1680x1050. I shouldn't have any problems over the next 12-24 months running new games at medium or better settings with my current PC.
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