There are three places that offer a chance to actually TEST and determine what hardware you have. SR Test is the worst of them, with serious inaccuracies, often as high as 20 % of the "Pass" results they advise. What they find out about your system is useful to know, and you can print that out to take with you to a storefront outfit to compare to the games' warning labels.
YouGamer is a retail outfit that also does testing, and although the results are still slightly biased toward selling games to folks with borderline hardware, they are a lot better than SR Tests.
Microsoft has a game test function that is very accurate, but they only test for their own games, AFAIK.
There is a Hungarian web site that collects game requirements lists, and you can find your way around it moderately well despite the language, if all you need is the lists of requirements. I don't have a URL for that one.
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