So he'll have a constant 60 fps at 1050? Sweet. He's looking to upgrade to a Dell IPS, but his current monitor is a 1680 x 1050 Acer.
lol metro 2033 with an nvidia card?? Not gonna happen. Your best option is a 7970 and overclock it as well.
this is metro with 4x AA at 1080p
And finally here is BF3 at 1080p. AMD wins again
Good to see you back to your biased ramblings. Do not seem how 38/39 fps equates to "not gonna happen" but 44 fps is good to go.
I also love your cherry-picked graphs for BF3. Why didn't you use the one from your original source? It wouldn't have anything to do with that source showing BF3 performing better on nVidia cards, would it?...
On what I said earlier; it looks like AMD (or maybe DICE) have made quite significant improvements in BF3 performance, they're now not very far behind nVidia.I said his BEST option is a 7970 for metro 2033 and after that to over clock it as well. Nothing biased about that. I didn't use the older source for bf3 since it is irrelevant as it was using older drivers. Finally amd are not behind nvidia in bf3. Its nvidia that is behind amd as you can clearly see from my graphs. Either that or you can't read numbers properly.
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