Why do people keep telling me this?Hatiko
Perhaps there is a reason and its not my fault that i go nuts when someone says that a generic mediocre shooter is better than something unique with obvious better design.
You didn't even justify YOUR answer. Unless giving opinions automatically means justification? :roll: Bulletstorm might be unique but it totally copied the Gears of War look. Yeah I know it's made by People Can Fly, a division of Epic Games but everything from the armor to the characters all looked like they were ripped straight out of Gears of War. But yes, Bulletstorms gameplay was unique, although I couldn't help but to feel I was playing Gears of War in first-person.. Explain to me how Gears of War series isn't unique? Which games came before it that looks the way it does? And plays the way it does? I think it was the first game to really nail the cover-based system and refined it really well. And as far as it being generic, I haven't seen a game that looked like Gears of War before.. and I've been gaming since the NES days. The story isn't perfect but it does create its own universe. And you cannot argue that Bullestorm's story was any better... especially with it's one-liners that are far and away WORSE than Gears of War's. Now justify THAT. :roll:Elann2008
Are you kidding me? I explained why, dont ignore that. Also i was not informed that big bulky guys with sci fi armors and weird guns belong to gears of wars

So ALL your points are invalid :D Unreal tournament looked like gears of war, ut3 is the proof, its just the graphic limitations in the game levels that did not gave you the same perspective. The gameplay of gears is generic, just a cover based shooter and a BAD one. KIllswtich nailed the cover system along with blind fire and grenade throwing, imo 10 times better than gears. So what is left for gears? graphics Epic's st-yle with a linear generic take cover system and a BAD one mind you with a terrible story.
WAIT, how is bulletstorm story not any better? Are you kidding me? First of it starts and you know what the hell its going on, you are not totally lost. Second it has much better characters and dialogues, atleast bulletstorm is funny. While gears dialogues are forrgetable and it is all about going somewhere undeground to do something that will somehow will change the tides of war. Also Marcus father and his imprisonment have "something" to do with all that but you never figure out why....and dont try to tell me that i did not understand the story because the truth is, there wasnt any to begin with.
Finally i fail to see "how" you thought bulletstorm "played" like gears of war in first person, because gears is all about blind firing or die and bulletstorm its about skill shots and forget all about cover. Also i hate everything that feels like gear of war and one of the reasons i will never bother again with epic games. But the sole reason i gone for bulletstom is because to me, it feels nothing like it.
So i think my point is proven, thank you very much and goodbye.
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