Hope that cut the double quote and picture out.
I agree that WiC was a really great looking game, but when you're in the top-down "playing the game" camera, it's not that impressive, all the low and tight "watching the game" shots look fantastic but that's not what you're going to see on a normal play through unless you spend all your time looking at your tanks while you infantry gets pounded elsewhere.
As far as UT3 being superior to Gears, I'd agree on the technical side, large environments, better modeling, etc. In terms of aesthetics it's a definite step backwards. I think Gears looks great, but I played it on the 360 nearly a year before it hit the PC so it didn't do anything for me other than provide a new benchmark for a while.
I like the look of TF2, but it's technically unimpressive and since there's really no story the characters didn't make a lot of sense to me (I loved TF and I think the cartoon approach in TF2 was a sad step backwards for the series).
I can agree that a lot of the surfaces in Bioshock were "glossy" (never noticed any characters having any type of sheen to them), but it worked for me since the majority of the environments are metallic in nature and would have a hard shiny coat of paint on them and there is an excessive amount of neon lighting that would give the pastel look at the beginning. All that ended after Fort Frolic which I wouldn't even consider a half-way mark and things slowly but surely start to look grittier as you move along to the areas that were most affected by the revolts and that really started to show how much work went into the art direction as posters turn from advertisements to propaganda (and it gives a great feel of plunging further into the insanity of Rapture).
And just a last opinion, I think you're mistaking the "dementia" aspect of the game for "creepy". For me it was a look at the insanity that slowly destroyed Rapture and so anything that might have seemed "cartoony" at first I would now consider the effect of the people of Rapture losing their minds (cartoon villain looks, masks, strange behavior, muttering, yelling, etc.) as a result of ADAM. It's all in the eye of the beholder, but just feel like Bioshock easily trumps anything that is Crysis in terms of looks.
good points all. just differing viewpoints, i think.
i always am impressed when an rts with zoom in feature looks really nice up close. i think that's where coh and dow suffer in terms of visuals; they both just don't look as nice up close.
i think gears looks better than ut3. that much we agree on.
i think you have to look at tf2 as a separate entity from tf, at least to a point, cuz they did go a whole different way with the series in terms of style. i don't think you'd look at it so negatively if it were called team arcade or something. anyway, it's definitely not technically impressive, but i think the game is all the better for it because of its style.
and as for bioshock, yes, the game does try to look grittier later on, but it didn't feel gritty at all, imo; just a lot of debris all over the place.
and i always thought insane people were kind of creepy; just my thing, i understand. but i didn't feel creeped out at all by the insane people in bioshock, which detracted from the experience for me, cuz, well, i want to be creeped out by crazy people, not find them humorous.
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