PC gaming has been really slow this last year (2006, and i guess 2007). Not much good coming out these days, look at what a mess spiderman 3 is for the PC. Also, supreme commander is okay, got old really fast though, and I have yet to try CC3, seemed better from the demo. Titan quest is a massive investment of time, although a good game, sorta gets old fast too i guess.
Stalker was a rather large dissappointment, I always felt lost in terms of keeping track of the missions. And infernal is just a very poor game. Kinda kewl at first, but later on just gets boring. The only game that's recently kept my interest is Red Star for the PS2, just a heck of alot of fun. There's Crysis coming up, seems like a decent game, as well as Lost Planet for the PC, big capcom fan. Of course GTA 4, but other than that there's not really alot of PC exclusive games that seem interesting. Lately every game coming out has been one dissapointment after another.
I know this has probably been argued to death "PC gaming is on the downfall", but realistically, with Vista having poor support for games, it seems unlikely that the PC scene will suddently flourish with a multitude of good titles. Also, someone point me to that giant list of upcoming PC games that everyone is looking foward to ;).
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