Bots running into walls and not moving, shooting 100 rounds and not hitting you, then some do 1 shot kills when you didnt do anything different and some seem toto be Superman and see through behind walls and throw grenades, killing you. Not the least which morons who cant kill REAL people spam and just kill bots to win the map. Screwoff
Admins do it to so their servers won't look empty and people will join it. It never works in the long run though and their servers will just sit at the number of bots they put in all the time and eventually they'll relize their server sucks and they'll shut it down, problem solved :D
Bots only prove a problem when browsers don't list how many human and bot players there are, just the number of overall players. A big reason I stopped playing CSS was I always had to keep looking because I would enter servers with 6 "people," but they would all be bots.
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