I am bumping an old topic because I was wondering the same thing... then I found the save files. They are located in the C\User\games....etc. for several games.
This is odd because my 'C' system drive is my smaller SSD... while I have my main steam drive on my 1TB HDD 'G' drive. All steam files including most game data files are located on the G drive. However I noticed a few games, Fallout 3: GOTY and Dishonored for example, are saving files to the C drive. I am concerned because this is my smaller drive and I am a save nut.
So my questions are:
1) Is the storage location for save states independant to each game and not controlled by Steam?
2) Is there a way I can force games I play through Steam to save onto my storage 'G' drive and not my system 'C' drive?
Thank you!
...... 1) yes
2) no
Appreciate the reply, was afraid no one would notice my post because I bumped an old topic rather than creating a new one.
So I guess I have no control where games save on my computer, so I have to curb my create new save addiction. Bummer... seems like I should be able to tell them where to store.
The work-around seems to be copying the folder structure to my storage drive and then moving them back when I want to play. Seems clunky... anyone else do this here? Not worried yet... 39.5 GB free on C
I'd say just keep an eye on where you're installing your games. Save files are tiny, and shouldn't make any storage issues, even if there's hundreds of them. And yeah, different games put them in different places, but they'll all be on your main drive. Except in the few cases where the saves are actually in the game install folder, in which case, obviously, that's just wherever you installed the game. Also, if you're worried about losing them, it's a good idea to activate Steam Cloud for any/every game that allows it. Some games actually have Steam Cloud features that aren't necessarily advertised. I was trying to figure out if I could swap back and forth between my laptop and my roommate's desktop when playing Dark Souls, and have my save game transfer with the cloud, and I googled all over the place, and the answer seemed to be a resounding "no" everywhere I found. Went ahead and tried it anyway, and it works perfectly.
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