Where do you see the story of AC going? I haven't finished 2 yet, and obviously few people know what happens in Brotherhood. So this is really in the grand scope of things
Will there be more after Brotherhood? And if so, what genre will it be?
I love the Italian Rennesiance as a setting, and Ezio is an awesome character, so if they are going to drop that storyline, they had better have a good replacement and a good end to Ezio's story. I really didn't mind dropping Altair at the end of AC1. His story wasn't that compelling and there was already a cliche ending. But in order to move on from Ezio's storyline, Ubisoft really has to give some good resolution to his plot in Brotherhood (or whatever the last Italian AC game is)
So, assuming Ubisoft moves on from Ezio's story and continues the Assassin's creed series- Where do you want to go next? They pick really good settings, so it'd have to match the previous two. I've heard rumors and people's suggestions, so here are a few:
1. Asia/Oriental? Ninjas, Samurai and stuff? I dunno, it's a stretch. Not nearly as classical feeling as the other two areas. But I can see why people would like it. But I really think it's too popular of a setting (maybe not in games) to pick.
2. French Revolution? Sort of similar in some regards to AC2's time period. Just a few hundred years later again :P I love this time period. Weapons are advanced enough to allow limited access to new weapons (Muskets, for instance? Should AC make the jump into firearms? Or maybe just experimentally, such as the hidden gun in Ac2) but it's also old enough to still use classics like the hidden blade. Architecture is different, but the city is still given a similar style with bustling streets, guards, etc.
3. My friend suggested American Revolution. Personally, I think this is too... eh. Not obscure enough. Still offers new stuff, much like the French Revolution.
4. WWII/Modern. I've heard this before. Please don't do it.
5. Ancient Rome? Who says we can't go further back? It's in Italy again, though. But there is still some potential there.
Anyway. Long post. In short
1. Will AC continue?
2. Will Ezio's Storyline continue?
3. If not, what will the next setting be?
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