I wanted to use that title instead of "Is PC Gaming dying?" because I don't think it's dying.
FPS is alive and well on the PC but probably only because of the Mouse and Keyboard. I love playing Counter Strike Source on pub clan servers and Valve has done a good job catering to a large community that carries mixed expectations for CS:GO but personally I think it will have a good release.
But I started out on consoles. When I was little I would go to the store with grandma and hang out at the magazine section while she went shopping. Reading the mags, I saw distinctive games that weren't on the console and had nothing in common with them, specifically Master of Orion. A picture of that game was on the back cover and I would drool over it for a good 10 minutes wondering what it would be like to play games that just weren't anything like the games being released on my console systems. In short it seemed like the PC was going in an entirely different direction.
So there are sports games on the PC, FPS games and RTS games. These genres do well and MMORPGs have been doing okay until recently because most people are getting bored, but MMORPGs are not specific to the PC. Grinding is probably more entertaining on a controller (EQOA--PS2) but PvP is probably more entertaining with a keyboard to map out your skills (Guild Wars, WoW, AO, etc--PC).
So that's why I think that PC gaming is not dying. But to be more specific I think the number of capable developers are shrinking. Blizzard, Valve, EA (hisss), Arena Net, and maybe 4 or 5 Indie developers from South Korea. I can't wait for CS:GO or GW2 but I don't get that same thrill as I did looking at the back of the magazine staring at a completely fresh concept like MoO or other early games that were classics.
Those games brought me to the PC, the sandbox nature forced me to focus in on it subjectively and when I got my first PC it was hard to pull away. I still play FPS games and PvP MMOs but that focus I had before is gone. I'm holding on to my PC for like 2 games and that's it? Lately I've been thinking of going back to my PS2 to play the horde of classics that can't be found on the PC. Lately I've been considering saving money for a modern console. I'm not tied down by my keyboard and mouse because consoles have USB ports and hardware companies sell keyboards like the one I used when I was playing EQOA on the PS2 many years ago. It's like that focus I once had that brought me to the PC has turned and I am being pulled back in the opposite direction. CounterStrike and Guild Wars are great franchise games but ... yeah. CounterStrike may not be replaceable but I can find MMOs anywhere I can plug in my internet to--which these days is pretty much everything.
So anyway, my question and the focus of the discussion in this thread would be -- Where is PC Gaming going? EA is repeatedly dropping the ball, Blizzard is great but I don't like RTS or cartoon MMOs like WoW because I'm not 13 anymore (I'm 27), and like I said, I like FPS but I also liked FPS on my PS2 once I figured out how to use the USB ports on the back and consoles have a lot more developers than the PC does.
But keep in mind, I don't think CounterStrike and Guild Wars are going to last forever. Maybe 10 years from now, I don't think the keyboard and mouse argument will be viable enough to keep people at the PC. It's not much of an argument presently and eventually it won't be an argument at all. The difference has to be created in software development and while it may be entertaining to troll out your buddies about how much faster your CPU is, eventually people are going to just save themselves $800 dollars and buy a console instead of spending more than a grand on fresh hardware every other year. There are more important things to spend your entire tax return on.
So ... Yeah. Discussion shall commence henceforth.
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