I like Brick myself. I had a grand time punching the daylights out of bosses.
Great tank, too: it cost me dearly, but a shield with a value of 909 came up for sale, and with the Cl4ss Mod I had, pushed the shield strength up to 1491.
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I like Brick myself. I had a grand time punching the daylights out of bosses.
Great tank, too: it cost me dearly, but a shield with a value of 909 came up for sale, and with the Cl4ss Mod I had, pushed the shield strength up to 1491.
Thusaha, I was thinking about running a game with him. How good of a job does his bird do keeping monsters off of you?:P
The hunter. I'm a sniper at heart, and he has the best skills for sniping, obviously. Also, his health regeneration class mod is unmatched for passive health replenishment (and he has two skills that also replenish health, if needed), so I never have to bother with pesky health kits. And finally, he has without a doubt the best lines, the best voice-acting, and the most character of the four. He is to the rest of the cIasses as the necromancer is to the other cIasses in Diablo 2, in that sense. I especially love the hunter's maniacal laughs on kill shots.
Now, if only Bloodwing had targeting and pathfinding worth a damn. Good for enemies behind cover, my ass.
Thusaha, I was thinking about running a game with him. How good of a job does his bird do keeping monsters off of you?:P
The targetting on it isn't very good. You usually have to look at an enemy before the bird will attack them, or at least have to have looked in their general direction or at an enemy near them. In other words, you can't just throw it out behind cover and let it attack something for you while you let your shields recharge. Its pathfinding is also really bad. It has little to no knowledge of how to avoid obstacles once it makes a B-line either back to you or toward its target, so it can get stuck on all kinds of obstructions. This all sounds worse than it is, really, as not only do these things not come up all that often, but you also get used to them and learn how to adapt to them; however, they are issues that cause the bird to not work how it ought to.
That said, the bird is also capable of being really deadly depending on how you allot skill points. You can reduce its cooldown time from 28 seconds to 13. If you couple that with a ranger class mod that increases that skill above the 5-point limit, you can literally toss the bird out every 4 seconds. On top of that, there's a skill that decreases its cooldown every time you hit an enemy with a sniper rifle (up to 4 seconds every shot), so if you have a fast-shooting sniper rifle for close range you can have the bird ready to throw out basically as soon as it returns to you. So despite its issues, Bloodwing is still capable of being very helpful, but it should be noted it's usually not a "get out of trouble" ability like that of the other three so much as a fast-charging, supplementary, fire-and-forget (again, provided you learn to adapt to its issues) attack.
Thusaha, I was thinking about running a game with him. How good of a job does his bird do keeping monsters off of you?:P
The targetting on it isn't very good. You usually have to look at an enemy before the bird will attack them, or at least have to have looked in their general direction or at an enemy near them. In other words, you can't just throw it out behind cover and let it attack something for you while you let your shields recharge. Its pathfinding is also really bad. It has little to no knowledge of how to avoid obstacles once it makes a B-line either back to you or toward its target, so it can get stuck on all kinds of obstructions. This all sounds worse than it is, really, as not only do these things not come up all that often, but you also get used to them and learn how to adapt to them; however, they are issues that cause the bird to not work how it ought to.
That said, the bird is also capable of being really deadly depending on how you allot skill points. You can reduce its cooldown time from 28 seconds to 13. If you couple that with a ranger class mod that increases that skill above the 5-point limit, you can literally toss the bird out every 4 seconds. On top of that, there's a skill that decreases its cooldown every time you hit an enemy with a sniper rifle (up to 4 seconds every shot), so if you have a fast-shooting sniper rifle for close range you can have the bird ready to throw out basically as soon as it returns to you. So despite its issues, Bloodwing is still capable of being very helpful, but it should be noted it's usually not a "get out of trouble" ability like that of the other three so much as a fast-charging, supplementary, fire-and-forget (again, provided you learn to adapt to its issues) attack.
Thanks for the heads-up. Mordecai is the only character I haven't run yet.I held off on running him, because in that gameplay video where Claptrap says "I think I lost the beat" and all four are in a group shooting, Mordecai seems awfully weak: the problems he's having with recoil, I was waiting to see him fly backwards or something.:P:lol:
Roland appears to be the most utilitarian. His special ability is handy in both single-player and multi-player, if only to have some other thing that shoots at enemies and getting shot by.
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