Well i dont like the idea of asborbing a few shots and taking cover but the ai that uses nanosuits can asbord hundrends of shots. It just does not make sense, it seems to me like people defend an obvious flaw of the game i just pointed, for "whatever" reason. But since you record gameplay, you could show me some of that run and gun gameplay that you dont have problems hitting the bad guys and you "it is pretty hard to get hit by the ai" I will be waiting for those videos in order to see what i am doing wrong.dakan45
It's not hard to get hit by AI. They'll always find ways to hit you. But, you do have regenerative power and health. The idea is to attack or ambush were you have cover handy so that you'll be able to regenerate your health and power. You do have to balance the time to regenerate with firing back. You have to fire back. Otherwise, the KPA will overwhelm your position. Taking cover just long enough to regenerate green and blue to say 20% and then cloak should be plenty in gunfight. Just keep repeating it.
On that Warhead clip, I didn't even need to cloak. I used a weapon the way it was designed for. Of course, I had to had to good aim too to get one shot one kill on the small aliens (they're much nastier than the big flying ones). Plus, I was doing a fighting retreat, keeping all the aliens in front of me (and on the business end of my gun).
As for the AI absorbing hits...... You have to remember that distance have a huge effect on hitting power. The closer you are, the more lethal your weapons are. KPA nanosuits work the same way as the player's. If they're cloaked, their armor is also low. One blast from the shotgun at pointblank range is normally enough to kill them, two shotgun blasts tops. From a distance, the gauss rifle is the best although it can still take two hits to kill a KPA nanosuit at full armor.
Of course, Crysis isn't a total cakewalk. My character still get killed from time to time and that's still using the nanosuit. That's why playing the game without a cloak at Delta is going to be very hard. But, I like a challenge.
I'll post videos when I can. Sometimes the action gets too hectic for me and I forget to press the record key.
Here's a sample of KPA Nanosuit vs Shotgun
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