Well, i've been lurking around trying demos and such since I want to get a game off of STEAM. I don't like HL and all those shooters... I was looking at Titan Quest + Immortal Throne or... erm, I dunno since i'm downloading a few more demos ATM. I tried Race 07 which sucked... FlatOut was bleck. Don't remember anything else. 0,0" Is TQ worth it in the long run? It's ok and all, but I don't know if it's the kinda game that would be fun for a good amount of time. Seems like more of a game you'd pick up and play for a little bit while waiting to leave for something... Goin' to try Sid Meier's Railroads and Lost Plant demo in a little bit.
What's your suggestion? With no Sci-Fi or Horrow games. And no CounterStrike or anything, either... I REALLY can't choose. ;(
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