This place has some of the best prices around and you can choose nearly every item you want installed(depending on model)
Another place that builds Laptops without all the frills and gimicks.
I have been researching laptops for the last month and these two places offer myself the most bang for the buck. Used to build barebone laptops about 6yrs ago when you could purchase them local. But many of the old guard quite producing them.
Things that impressed me.
You can select from a wide range of parts depending on the model.
You can downgrade items if you already have better that you want to use(why pay 150+$ for 4gig of ram when you can buy it for around 70$ or less with lifetime warrenty)
Upgrade video card options at a later date(as well as other removable parts).
Sager with Exoticpc has been stated to have a excellent warrenty policy and quality.
Priced against prebuilds I can get better equipment for the same cost.
Less worries about after market parts working.
More options as to what laptop size, power requirements, graphic size, five 17inch models from Sager alone.
Pick the brand company you like and customize the model.(xoticpc)
Check them out.
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