[QUOTE="coolcole1"]If it is a pc use a wired connection. Wireless can have a lot of problems and is really best for a laptop.Thebettafish
Actually, PC Wireless cards (especially PCI ones) are inherently more reliable when it comes to wireless. The only difference is in convienence. A desktop doesn't roll around, so it doesn't need wireless. Laptops usually move, and so they require wireless. Ahem.
Wireless, in your case, will probably be easier. As long as you don't have any significant interference or stuff like microwaves or cordless phones on the 2.4ghz spectrum. First you'll need a wireless router, such as this one: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16833124284 there are cheaper alternatives if you wish. For your second PC, you will need an adapter. I highly recommend using a PCI adapter, as it's much more reliable and less likely to have a problem than a USB one. You have to install it yourself, but all you have to do is put it on a PCI slot which I promise is not very difficult at all :) http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16833124115.
The router will plug into the modem. From the router, your main PC (the one currently connected to the modem) will connect to the router. The PCI card will install into the second (new) PC and wireless connect.
Just to be sure, what is the approximated distance between the modem and the new computer? Are there any microwaves inbetween?
hey thanks for you help ! well b/t my 2 PCs theres like nothing, just wall :P so what your saying here is I will have my good PC wired to the internet then have my other PC using wireless to connect to the internet?
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