dawn of war, easily - i've been playing it religiously for the last 2 years, every other game on that list went back in the box (except c&c3, i just deleted the demo because there's no way i'm buying that!) - but dawn of war...
dawn of war is perfection... company of heroes is a better game, it's practically dow2, only in a different setting - but if you like warhammer 40k, or you don't like ww2, then dow is the better choice - because coh didn't do a whole ton of refining all in all
about rome, though, (or my preference, medieval 2) - they aren't really rivals to the traditional rts games like c&c and coh, they're more companion games - so it's hard to either/or with them... if anything, it would be best to get a total war game and a traditional rts game as well - i play dow and medieval 2, and they are perfect partners
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