srry if this has already been posted but which battlefield game do u think was the greatest of all time?
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Battlefield 2.
2142 while a great game foucused to much on Vehicals instade of Guns.
1942. Had worse weapons then the other games i know it's WW2 but Huge machine guns are so fun.
Vietnam- Kind of the same as abouve
BF 2- So sweet it had these awsome guns and the realalistic amount of vehicles
hey ive played all of them if i had to rate them in order it would be from best to last it would be ...
battlefield 2
battlefield 2142
battlefield 1942
and then battlefield vietnam dat one was boring to da max
I would have to disagree with this 1942 in my opinion was pretty much at the top in respect of all of the games, 2nd going to 2142, just becuase the formula is pretty much set up nicely. Vietnam just didn't feel exactly right, it was a nice romp, but it just didn't jive like the other games in the series. BF2 on the other hand, that game after all the patches, just isn't as good as BF1942. Note I did give BF2 a decent rating, but it was before the "nerfing" had started, and basically ruined the game. Realism, not here - the hit detection is even sub-par to that of an arcade shooter, note that the weapons looked somewhat like their real life counter parts, they definitely did not really act like them. The tanks, and planes in BF2, probably recieved the worst of the rectal examination we called the patches, before the patch the tanks especially the M1 wasn't realistic, in fact pretty weak, the tanks in general now are just death traps, very little survivability unless you have a couple engineers or a crate next to the vehicle. Movement is laughable, you hit a berm and the tank takes damage. After all the work that was done to the game, the game was just catered to your average lamer, rambo, and 9-17 year old age group. Basically you could walk into a server, and basically the term, "Teamwork need not apply," not only alive, but florishing well in this game.Number of vehicles realistic?, I think not, Desert Combat had more, and actually did the BF genre right, and whats bad this was a mod, and it culled out what weak out of certain areas. Note this about Desert Combat: --> You see an idiot go running for the chopper, and has no idea to fly. No worries, get out of the way, and watch him blow himself up without even leaving the pad. A helo took practice to fly, and the only hovering you did was with those who could actually feather the throttle, and keep the sucker level, and a good blackhawk pilot, was revered in that game especially if he could drop you from point a to b, and then pick you back up after you got done with your little shiindig at the terrorist's camp. ( you don't get that kind of love in BF2, you have a better chance of a HWMMV actually falling out of the sky, and landing on you, than some guy coming down to give you a pick up. --> A bunch of guys holding up for a vehicle? no worries a sniper's weapon in that game actually caused fear, and a headshot meant you shared something in common with JFK, and I don't mean the good looks either. Notably, one minute your teammates are staading thier taking up bandwidth, next they are there dead taking up bandwidth. Next time, I bet they are goving to be a bit more proactive on getting into the fight hunting down that sniper, or that sniper is going to remind him what a being a noob feels like. In Bf2, the lines are long, and look at that enemy sniper over there, don't worry about him until he pulls out a knife or, a handgun otherwise it's like playing the lotery, and the chances are good that you aren't gonna be picked. Actually the chances are better that the teammate behind you is gonna TK you for the vehicle you are waiting for. --> An enemy tank sitting out side of a base? no worries call in a buddy with a MLRS, and sure enough that tank is no longer a problem. Can't get that in BF2, whats on the menu today, "cartillery, and artillery", I can just smell those teamkills, and acts of futility racking up right now. --> Oh a plane harassing your base? No problemo pal ! Those anti-aircraft batteries do work, and hit what you are aiming at! You are pretty much guaranteed if you are hitting him, he will be will be pretty soon stopping the ground with his face, and your score just went up a point. In BF2? Wow those missles do make nice wide right turns away from the enemy at at that nice blackhawk full of teammates, no worries the pilot will not only take the credit for the TK's, but also get banned from the server for you! Now, isn't that nice.Battlefield 2.
2142 while a great game foucused to much on Vehicals instade of Guns.
1942. Had worse weapons then the other games i know it's WW2 but Huge machine guns are so fun.
Vietnam- Kind of the same as abouve
BF 2- So sweet it had these awsome guns and the realalistic amount of vehicles
My favorite battlefield was bf 1942 but I only play 2142 now. Anyone else think it would be cool if they remade Battlefield 1942 with the current battlefield graphics?
about the vehicles in battlefield 2 and 2142, can u switch to 3rd person wenever u want? like i kno this is a first person shooter, but for the jeeps tanks helicopters planes u can switch to 3rd person view wenever u want right? and r the graphics for all of the vehicles really good?
o yeah and about the realism of battlefield 2 and 2142, i kno this is a first person shooter, but is there a patch or mod where there is full body awareness? like wen u look down u can see ur body legs and feet? cuz i hate how fps's are supposed to be realistic but in most games u cant even see ur whole body if u look down.
i think battlefield 2142 is nice cause got new mission funtion like destroy the titan with ruin the main operator.right
2142 is just pure fun. I love the unlocks, and the gameplay is solid. There are a few bugs I take issue with, but I can overlook them.
BF2 is runner up, same gameplay as BF2 just more coventional and present day.
BF Vietnam was horrible, and I hated BF1942...way too arcady for me.
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