the i5 430m is not faster than the p8700.maybe if it was a i5 5xxm series then the i5 would have been far better.and the gtx 260m is slightly better than the gts 360m.if your intention is to use it is a gaming laptop go with the gtx 260monfire23
I'm pretty confident it is, this link only proves it
I've had the P8700, and it felt much slower than my now i5 430m. Even with the P8700 OCed to 3.1ghz at best maybe feels about the same. But over all, the new architecture feels much better, and smoother. When I had about 60 or so processes running on the P8700, I'd get lower frames, and overall PC felt slower. Ofc, after I cleaned it up and was running 35-40process the PC felt fine. And I went from 20.992 in Super Pi 1m, to 18.346 in 1m. So overall, cutting the processes down helped a bunch.
Now with the i5 though, I had 60 processes running or so, and did a 1m test. Got 17.756, but after cleaned up and running 37-40 processes still only got 17.734. So right there proved to me that it can handle more processes with no performance loss(guess becuase of the 2extra threads). Even with out test, it just feels better, but test are always good way to prove its not placebo.
Now I can admit one thing, I dont have a comparable GPU to totally prove how well it does in games compared to the P8700, but I'd assume it would be always on Par, or better. Only downside to Asus i5 laptop is the GTS360m, which supposedly from the forums I read people get close(but a bit less admitingly) performance as they did on the GTX260m.
Edit: That link likes to just take you to all of them, so the i5 is #30, while p8700 is #38. Do a comparison to see the difference better, it may not be miles better or anything, but my point is, it's still a bit faster.
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