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Empire: Total War, then Far Cry 2.
Oh crap I forgot about Empire TW, but that's kind of far off. This poll is mostly for games coming in the next few weeks.
Out of the poll, Clear Sky.
However, my most anticipated game is Warhammer 40, 000: Dawn of War II. But that's 2009.
Storm of Zehir
Starcraft 2
Far Cry 2 (although I'll probably get this for the 360)
why would you buy it for 360 over PC, if anything, get it for PS3 over 360, so then you can use a keyboard and mouse (assuming it supports that on PS3, because I heard you can do that on PS3. Also people, try to remember these are PC games, and since Far Cry 2 is a multiplat, I wanted to put more PC exclusives on the list first. Also, I don't consider L4D a multiplat, even though it's coming to 360. It's a PC game at heart.
[QUOTE="lowcally"]Crysis Warhead > Far Cry 2 !!!bangell99
Oh, I disagree.
Indeed. I think that post of his needs some fixing...
Anyway, my most anticipated of this year is Far Cry 2, but out of the ones on the list, I chose Left 4 Dead.
[QUOTE="_Memento_"]Storm of Zehir
Starcraft 2
Far Cry 2 (although I'll probably get this for the 360)
why would you buy it for 360 over PC, if anything, get it for PS3 over 360, so then you can use a keyboard and mouse (assuming it supports that on PS3, because I heard you can do that on PS3. Also people, try to remember these are PC games, and since Far Cry 2 is a multiplat, I wanted to put more PC exclusives on the list first. Also, I don't consider L4D a multiplat, even though it's coming to 360. It's a PC game at heart.
Cause not all of us have the latest uber top of the line PCs?
And I don't have a PS3.
no starcraft 2?! you should be ashamed of urselfL0000m35Who knows when that is coming out! They are having so many issues with SC macro that it could be so long before it even comes out...although I am eagerly anticipating that date...
My games
On list=Left 4 Dead
Off List=
Starcraft 2
Diablo 3
Empire TW
Dawn of War 2
Stalker Clear Sky
no starcraft 2?! you should be ashamed of urselfL0000m35
Starcraft 2 won't be released in 2008 and for now we don't have a release date, so he shouldn't be ;)
GTA4>FarCry 2>Sacred 2>RA3>King's Bounty>PoP4>Spore>Tomb Raider Underworld>Pure>Warhead>X-Blades>L4>Mirror's Edge
That's my list and order, tho I'm 99% sure I don't want Mirror's Edge but there still is 1%, I guess I'll read some reviews and watch some gameplay vids.
but its still coming up.... just in the distant future 8)L0000m35
"Coming up" generally is used to refer to something being released in the near future, though.
There are quite a few games I am looking forward to, Crysis: Warhead and Stalker: Clear Sky being two of them, but I am looking forward to Spore the most.
It's the customisability, it gives you a level of ownership over the experience that other games to do not.
out of the list:spore/war
not on the list:idk. not too many good games this year it seems. but ill vote for my ps3! resistance2 or kz2(looks like a cross between battlefield2142 and cod4)
maybe bf:heroes?
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