discuss for me idk i guess the world of doom or sumthing just gonna suck if i die the second im in it heh....
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discuss for me idk i guess the world of doom or sumthing just gonna suck if i die the second im in it heh....
STALKER's a definite no-no.
Playboy Mansion was my first instinct too, but since it's been suggested already, I'll pop my head out and say something like Flatout 2 --- I would LOVE to be a race driver in that sort of crazy sport.
Star Wars universe:Dshinian
Yeah... I guess SW is an OK universe... especially before the Galactic Empire started blowing up planets :D... There was democracy, tolerance and everything what is considered good today...I'm not saying that it is an ideal universe (there was always evil and corruption), but it is the best I can think of... Unless we really want to call the Playboy Mansion a universe...:lol:
STALKER's a definite no-no.
Playboy Mansion was my first instinct too, but since it's been suggested already, I'll pop my head out and say something like Flatout 2 --- I would LOVE to be a race driver in that sort of crazy sport.
And here I was going to say STALKER, but then again, things don't usually turn out so well for them do they? Hmmm... Maybe I will have to give this more thought.
I love W40k... but, I certainly wouldn't want to live in that universe... I can't believe how many of you would want to live in a universe where "there's nothing, but war"... Remember, you would most likely be a simple civilian or an enlisted recruit in the Imperial Guard... now that's not something extra super... so, do not imagine yourself as some Space Marine or SM Chaplin or whatever... just think of your self as you are right now... unless you work in some military or police special force right now...;) than you would maybe be someone who is worth mentioning in W40k, everything else would just be a no one in the mass...
Oh,and if you want to live in a "universe" where there's nothing but war, go to Iraq or something...:lol:
If I were to go into these games and not be able to die. It just would suck I were killed inside the game universe within minutes. So if I were immuned to death in the game that would be better for me to enjoy the game world.
Titan Quest
Neverwinter Nights 2
Everquest 2
mostly any game that is based in a fantasy setting would be great.
Oblivion would be a kool universe to live in-Basically Medieval times but with creatures in the universe as well
DeusEx would also be fantastic-Just being a bio augmented agent roaming the streets of hong kong sounds great to me
While they were both already mentioned, I have to second these two...
Morrowind - Did you say levitate? Marshmarrow tea with Vivec anyone?
Roller Coaster Tycoon - *BARF*
Well, everyone's saying Star Wars, but that's really a movie universe isn't it? Stop cheating guys.
So therefore, I'm gonna have to say, Vvardenfell! How awesome would it be living in Balmora. Oh man.
I want to live in KOTOR universe:D
Oh,and if you want to live in a "universe" where there's nothing but war, go to Iraq or something...:lol:
well in irag there are no orks, eldar, trynids, tau, chaos, dark eldar, or necrons to fight against :P
and i would also like to live in guitar hero :D
DeusEx would also be fantastic-Just being a bio augmented agent roaming the streets of hong kong sounds great to me
Exactly what i was thinking from the moment i opened this topic. (I've already worked for FEMA, so i'm half way there, now i just need the implants!)
I could also stand to live in one of the X-Com games. So long as i wasn't one of those grunts that doesnt get body armor and died within the first few alien incursions.
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