Poll Which should I play first? (14 votes)
So I've been out-of-the-loop regarding gaming for quite awhile now (actually playing games, Gamespot, etc.) and have missed out on a LOT it seems. But every now and then I'd happen to catch a Steam sale and buy games that I heard were good and happened to be pretty cheap, so now I've got a pretty extensive list of games sitting in my library that haven't even been installed. I've just lacked the resolve to commit to any one game for some reason. Anyway, I've found myself with a bit more time on my hands lately and have decided I wanna try and get back into gaming...but I'm not really sure which game would be the best bet to "hook" me and reawaken my affinity for gaming. As I'm sure most of you have played most of the games I listed, I decided I'd ask and see what you guys thought would be good to jump into first. (Genre doesn't really matter to me.)
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