At the LK fight, did only Arthas die, or did both Ner'zhul and Arthas die? If both of them died, how come Bolvar could become the LK? If Ner'zhul was dead, the helm would be just a helm. And then if Ner'zhul is alive, why wouldn't he corrupt Bolvar?
I r confused :P
The way I understood it is that a new consciousness was created that was neither Arthas or Nerzhul, and that's what you end up killing. Once that consciousness was dead, Arthas was alone in his body which was too wounded from the fight to support life. If I remember right, Arthas asks "Is it finaly over?" before he passes away and that leads me to think he wasn't in control at all. It's kind of odd that Nerzhul was never even mentioned during that whole story sequence. Nerzhul could have been in control, but I think Blizzard would have made a point of mentioning that.
In the book "Arthas," (SPOILER) Nerzhul shows him a vision and asks him to choose between his uncorrupted self and Nerzhul, and Arthas chooses neither and slays them both...thus creating a new consciousness that was neither Arthas or Nerzhul. Of course, in the book Uther's soul was never consumed by Frostmourne so Blizzard probably doesn't consider the book to be part of the lore.
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